Titanium spoons; WTF?


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
What gives? Spill it, Ben...
I don't know what you are talking about......:cool:

I want one!
Looking into making more right now......
Ok I have a couple these ready.....$55 + sh. These aren't store bought, stamped in china crap, these rough and ready blacksmith style, hand forged titanium spoons. They weigh in around 3/4oz. Around 6" oal, .065" thick 6al4v titanium. :cool:

Shipping should be $15 to the great white north. Or $25 if you want a mug too. ;)
you got any thunderstorm kevlar?
I never thought I'd spend $100 Canadian dollars on a friggin spoon.
Not my fault your dollar is so bad right now!! :cool:
Thanks for the purchase bud, I threw in a sticker to sweeten the deal. : )
totally not complaining! Just never thought it would happen. Will never need another spoon!
Lord of the spoons.
One spoon to rule them all.
One spoon to find them
One spoon to bring them all and in the darkness spoon them.
Lord of the spoons.
One spoon to rule them all.
One spoon to find them
One spoon to bring them all and in the darkness spoon them.

well done!
make mine metric :)


Nobody says I want to be spoon maker when I grow up. :cool: