To All Our Friends, A Holiday Blessing.


Himalayan Imports Owner ~
Apr 5, 2005
As this year winds down, we have much to be thankful for. Despite the trials and tribulations we have made it another year. We are very thankful for all our friends and loyal customers who've stood by us. We are hopeful that the coming year will bring good tidings for all. Thank all of you for being here and keeping Uncle Bills legacy alive through all your love, support and patronage. Thank you for walking on this journey with us. Pala, I and the entire staff at Himalayan Imports wish the the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years to you all !!!!!

Dear Yangdu,

Joy, Health, and Prosperity to you and yours, and to all the forumites, current and past, who have bought, shared, laughed, and learned from H.I.

You are part of something very special.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all the HI family and our group of HI forumites!
Himalayan Imports
It's my source for good knives
When I gift them to friends
It opens their eyes.
They never owned blades so light and so quick
And love even more when they come from St. Nick.

Merry Christmas, HI Forum and Friends!
You're all dear to me.
I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to even end up here and witness the craftsmanship, the knowledge, the passion.
Huge thanks to everyone who makes this even possible.
I wish you all the best.
Dear Yangdu,

Joy, Health, and Prosperity to you and yours, and to all the forumites, current and past, who have bought, shared, laughed, and learned from H.I.

You are part of something very special.

To what Kismet said may I add:

Peace to all people of good will šŸ™ā˜®ļø
That looks like my cat except yours has a bit shorter hair. My cat was solid black except she had one white whisker on each side like a catfish so I called her Barbels! Nows shes lost them and is solid black. Shes like me. No grey hairs with age. They just fall out. Shes not bald as me yet tho. I also have an orange one named Trump for obvious reasons.