Today's Pile (groups of knives - traditional only)


Gold Member
Oct 3, 2014
Each day I round up a few knives I want nearby as I sit at my desk drinking morning coffee.
They're on hand as I answer emails, read Blade Forums or just quietly gaze out the window. They get ogled and fondled as I work and play on the computer and when it comes time to go somewhere, I usually select one from the desk pile to go with me. Returning I may refresh the pile by exchanging one or two of them for something different. I guess I like having on hand a small representation of the larger group. Sometimes the individuals selected for the desk will be all of one brand, pattern or cover material but most times it seems to have no rhyme or reason. Today's desk pile was totally eclectic, five different brands and five different covers. It made me think, we are truly living in the golden age of collecting. I decided to show today's desk pile and ask if anyone else does something like this? Show your groups of any size, gathered for any reason... or no reason. Whether they be desk piles, work bench piles, camp piles or any another group that you have gathered together to use, to view, or like me, just for having on hand a part of your collection.


Vic Farmer, Case Copperhead, GEC TC Ancient, Schrade Smoker, Buck Cadet
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Keeping a few out for rotation is a good idea. My edc's are in several boxes on the chest top, and there are too many to go through each time I go out. Your strategy would help insure more make it out the door.
Group of my Dunlap gent's

Charles! Wow a dozen Dunlap's!!! Each one nicer than the last, fantastic!!! Thanks for showing them.

Not a pile but I have whittled my choice, on most days, to one of these.
Of course there's always another slipjoint and either an OHO or fixed blade.
Oh my Gary!!! You did bring your best!! Simply a wonderful group of customs! Love the Chamblin improved trapper. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

These three are usually always within reach, but never really carried :eek:.

I don't use the #83 because of the stiff lock (closing :confused:), but like to fiddle with it :D.

Nice to have some favorites close by isn't it? Good lookin' bone on all three!!!

These 5 typically sit on top of my knife case. The Case and one of the fixed blades have been carried most often lately. My Peanut isn't pictured because it's always in my pocket. :D

Great group to keep handy Wurrwulf!! Looks like a well rounded pile... ready for anything.

Guys, those groups exceeded all my expectations, thanks for your participation! Can't wait to see what else is out there. Bring 'em all, any group photo, we'd love to see them.
Cool idea for a thread, James!

I do something similar although a little different. I'll see something online, usually right here in the Traditional forum, that makes me think about one or more of my knives. I think about them for a few hours or maybe even a day or so and then when I realize I'm not going to stop thinking about them until I fiddle with them, I'll get them out and put them on my desk so I can admire them for awhile.

I tend to carry the same two knives for fairly long periods of time so the knives on my desk usually don't end up in my pocket right away.

Right now I only have this Red Elk Schatt & Morgan #43 Jumbo Half Whittler on my desk. It's been there for several days because I'm not done admiring it yet. A question that was asked in the 2018 forum knife thread about the thickness of Elk slabs is what got me to thinking about the knife.

I have a wooden cigarette box on the coffee table in my living room, where I keep the knives I'm currently carrying. I add and subtract from it from time to time. There are generally a few other knives kicking around on my coffee table (and a few on my kitchen table and desk), new arrivals and such :thumbsup:

Coffee Table Knives 3.JPG
I store my traditionals in a Pelican case, but I keep my “current carry favorites” in a small wooden bowl so it’s easy for me to switch during the week, or even during the day. Right now the bowl contains two Churchills, three stockmans & two Barlows.
My "user knives" sit in a drawer in my desk, but I like to bring a few outside with me in the morning while I drink my coffee. Nothing better than piping hot coffee, cool morning air... and my pile of knives :D

Oh, which one will I choose today?
My morning coffee knife is almost never my carry for the day. It’s one I look over just before sitting down to sip my coffee, it’s a knife I know doesn’t get much attention usually, so it gets to ride in the pocket of my sweat pants before I start the day.
Just got back to this thread and haven't had a chance for any pics yet today, but I sure am enjoying seeing yours. Great Pile Pics all!

I have a wooden cigarette box on the coffee table in my living room, where I keep the knives I'm currently carrying. I add and subtract from it from time to time. There are generally a few other knives kicking around on my coffee table (and a few on my kitchen table and desk), new arrivals and such :thumbsup:

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Jack, your cup (and cigar box) floweth over! Beautiful pile and exceptional camera work, very enjoyable viewing.

These came out of the more generalizedclutter on my desk. There are usually more slipjoints, but I have been messing around with Opinels a lot lately.
View attachment 968648
That's what I'm talkin about!! Great shot, so dramatic, we all love Opinels.

Some favorites in bone

Some GEC favorites in stainless

Some Great Eastern stag

Some stockman favorites in a case
Jeff, all such wonderful groups, stainless, stags, and stockman just awesome! But that first pile... absolutely splendid favorites and an outstanding photo!!! Thanks!
I store my traditionals in a Pelican case, but I keep my “current carry favorites” in a small wooden bowl so it’s easy for me to switch during the week, or even during the day. Right now the bowl contains two Churchills, three stockmans & two Barlows.
That sounds like a sweet bowl of goodies Ironbut!! All favorites of mine. If you get a chance... could you show us a pic?

My "user knives" sit in a drawer in my desk, but I like to bring a few outside with me in the morning while I drink my coffee. Nothing better than piping hot coffee, cool morning air... and my pile of knives :D

Oh, which one will I choose today?
Exactly!!! A good routine JD... pick the Churchill, you won't regret it. ;):)