Turkey 2021.... gobble gobble!

Nov 5, 2001
Howdy all,
Gotta be some turkey hunters here. Sound off, show some pics, tell us how you did. I hope to have some stories to tell real soon.....
I'm in the north and need to wait til May. I am itchy to get out !!!!
Opening day was last Saturday. First day of scheduled outage at work was Sunday. I did get out Saturday but have been working 12s since. I found one bird early that was responding. Before I could get him moving my way a heavy fog rolled in and I called it a day. Hopefully I'll get to go next weekend.
Good luck!
Well, NO damn luck. Heard plenty of gobblers, but could not seduce them into shooting range. Saw more deer than turkey, of course.
My Wisconsin hunt starts on the 12th and runs to the 19th. Minn. season starts on the 18th and runs to the end of May. Don't think I can hunt every day, but sure would like to.
I am in Ks and the season started the 14h of April. I wasn't able to get out until the second week. The day started bad as I woke up an hour late. I still wanted to go even though I was sure I wouldn't be able to sneak in since it was bright already. I then realized I had not even purchased a tag yet so before I left I fumbled around with the computer and printer. Yes, in Ks they are legal immediately. That was at 6:06AM.

After getting loaded up I was off, I got to my spot and was set up by 7:05AM. I hiked in from the north to an open crop field and set up on the North fence facing south. For decoys I used some Primos soft tom and hen, and an old fan that I converted to a decoy. I set them up about 25 yards into the field. I used a mouth call a few times but since I could only hear gobbles very far away I decided to sit in silence. I thought they would come from the West through the creek and wooded area into the open area like they usually do so I was focusing that direction. At 7:20AM I checked the East and sure enough there was a single Tom headed my way at about 50 yards. He would fluff up for a couple seconds then deflate and walk towards the decoys a little more. He did that about 5 or 6 times until he was 5 ish yards away from my tom decoy. I recently bought an old Charles Daly semi auto 20ga from a friend that I have been using for everything from duck to sporting clays. I bought some Kent 3" 1 1/4oz #4 shells in preparation and in combination with the Charles Daly did fantastic. He had a 9 3/4" beard and about 3/4" spurs.

So I was only sitting for about 25 minutes and the season ended quite quickly. My wife would prefer if all hunting seasons would last that long. I plan to smoke him on my pellet grill very soon. I have never done it before so I am nervous.

Good luck to you guys!

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Day 4 in Wisconsin and no love. Weather patterns got'em silent. I'm not done yet!!
About 10 o'clock this morning I finally connected. 20lbs, 10 3/4 beard and 7/8ths spurs. Didn't hear one bird gobble all morning, but he came lookin just the same.
Pics or it didn't happenšŸ˜
:D I knew that was comin. I'm having a heck of a time getting it resized.
I've cut the breast meat into deck of card sized pieces, and use chicken shake and bake on them... unfreakingbelievable!