Two-bladed self defense

Originally posted by Sierra912
Recommend you query regarding Mike Echanis' first combatives knife book (Black Cover) which covers in a very comprehensive, no nonsense way the art and worth of learning how to fight effectively with two knives....
...Traditionally double knife sees one knife held in the forward grip, the second held in a reverse grip. This allows for the accomplished fighter to flow through the distance changes that occur swiftly during a fight. Forward grip for long range, reverse grip for when the all-important "gap" is bridged and your strikes must be powerful and delivered in extremely tight quarters in a swift manner.

Working multiple-opponant scenarios with 2 knives is instructive also. Notice in Echanis's Black Book how many techinquies involve spinning to get a reverse grip powershot to the opponant, who is in effect behind Echanis during the spin. Reverse grip is particularly effective in dealing with an assailant who is on your back, whether he's trying to get a deathlock or attack from behind.

Spinning generates not only sudden shift in direction / position with little visible or expected motion, it increases the power of the blow or cut under same principal as delivering a spinning wheel kick, etc.

HWD offers a great deal of this thought process, which Randy Wanner was careful to include when he laid out the technique sequences for this and the other two ME books.
I agree.

And after the arrest was made, if there were no other charge that results in a court conviction or plea for the arrest other than keys in a pocket, I'd get real good attorney:)

And file real good complaint with the officer's department:p

Because "similar instrument" specifically relates to catagories of edged instruments covered under the statutes. I would imagine you never saw "house keys" or "car keys" in your research.

We're all guilty of not educating ourselves well enough and then updating that education.

Best bet. Don't come to the attention of anyone who has the authority to arrest you
