What makers and purveyors are going to Blade Show?

I don't make or purvey, but I will be there (with a leash for Mo :).
Make sure its a strong leash - last year he kept getting loose!!!! :D :D :D :D

I'll be there!
The Strider Guys, Mayo, Simonich and I are going to have a great big booth this year. We still don't know what we are going to call ourselves - probably the "Five Former Friends" before it's all over. The five of us along with Ken Onion are having a contest for the biggest, baddest, most awesome fighting, killing, combat, bowie kind of knife, the winner of which gets a free dinner and bragging rights over five seriously injured egos for a whole year! I think I can safely say this will be the most stressful Blade Show I've ever attended... :)
Originally posted by Jerry Hossom
The Strider Guys, Mayo, Simonich and I are going to have a great big booth this year. The five of us along with Ken Onion are having a contest for the biggest, baddest, most awesome fighting, killing, combat, bowie kind of knife

WAHOO, talk about one stop shopping!! Hope they have you guys some aisle room. Better start saving my coins...
Hey Jerry,

Who will judge your contest? Is this going to be an "offical" Blade 2002 award? ;)

I can see the cover now...

Blade 2002 Winner of the Biggest, Baddest, Most Awesome Fighting, Killing, Combat, Bowie Kind of Knife!
T.J. Strider and K. Jerry Simonich

This is definitely NOT an official Blade Show contest. It's just a half dozen guys having some fun messing with each others' heads. We are doing our own judging. Everyone gets one vote and can't vote for himself.
Gonna be there if I have to walk and this year it will be a LONG walk. :D

Planning on having the BBQ again if Bastid and Gus can find a suitable location, so get that Extra Large Spork ready Mo. ;)
you mean the Camillus Talonite spork with g10 scales?

oh,its ready...ive got it right here in its quick draw kydex sheath..

did i mention my spork has the wave action? ;) :p

I think a better challenge would be "Let's See Who Can Make a Knife After a Night at Ruby Tuesday's"
Looking forward to seeing everyone and having a few cold ones myself :)

Can't wait to visit the Strider, Hossom, Simonich and Mayo booth!!
