What would be a good self defence weapon for me?

Mar 1, 2000
I'm 21yrs old, 6' and only weigh in at 115... aka: SKINNY!
I drive a nice car... and from time to time have to go through bad parts of town, either walking, or driving.
Now, my concern is since I look like a wuss, and I might have some money, or other valuables, that I might be targeted by thugs or what have you. So what should I carry, learn, etc... to prepare myself incase something happens?

First off, if someone tried to rob me, I would give them what they want... because the money in my wallet is still less than law-suits and hospital bills, if anything bad did happen.
But if it was apparent the dude was going to mess me up, I would like to be able to defend myself.

Since I am so light... I don’t' see how any sort of martial arts would help me much... so a weapon seems the most useful alternative. I currently carry a Benchmade 722s, and it gives slight peace of mind, be it miss-guided or not :)

So, what would you suggest? I am sure some sort of training is in order.

Thanks for your suggestions and help! :)

Sorry, i double posted on accident.
Moderator... could you delete one of the threads?

Ok, I can help. But I need some additional information such as:

1. Where do you live?
2. What streets do you generally walk down?
3. What are the approximate times and routes?
4. How much money do you usually carry on you?
5. Which pocket do you carry your knives, car keys, valuables, etc.?

Now, don't worry about carrying the knives, you won't need them. And please don't carry a gun because <strike>I don't want to get shot</strike> you don't want to get into any touble with the local police.


Actually, check out the martial arts training where you live. Interview the instructors to see if they teach what you feel would be most beneficial to you in your circumstances. Ask people if they know of any local training groups that concentrate on hand-to-hand, or CQC training and then pick one based on your needs.

Posting here is a good start. There are a lot of folks here that will be able to offer sound adivce.

Good luck,
> 1. Where do you live?

In Minnesota (not a lot of crime)

> 2. What streets do you generally walk down?

All sorts, just depends on where I am going.

3. What are the approximate times and routes?

All times of day, and all sorts of routes.

4. How much money do you usually carry on you?

Maybe a 200-300 hundred, so not a ton, but still a good amount.

5. Which pocket do you carry your knives, car keys, valuables, etc.?

Knife: clipped in from right pocket (i am right handed)
Wallet, either right or left front pocket
Keys. useally right front pocket.
Phone. anywhere I can put it... left, right, or cargo pocket.

> And please don't carry a gun because
> <strike>I don't want to get shot</strike>
> you don't want to get into any touble with
> the local police.

I totally agree!

> Actually, check out the martial arts
> training where you live. Interview
> the instructors to see if they teach
> what you feel would be most beneficial
> to you in your circumstances. Ask people
> if they know of any local training
> groups that concentrate on hand-to-hand,
> or CQC training and then pick one
> based on your needs.

I would like to take up some sort of martial arts, but I am concerned about my own well being :) as in getting my ass kicked by a sparring partner, and so-forth. I have a back that limits me to about an hour of standing before it hurts like a bitch! So that is one problem, and problem two is it i take a very hard hit to the heart area of my chest, there would be a possibility of my aorta rupturing. (wow, i really sound like a complete wuss when I type it out! maybe i am :)
Those are just concerns of mine.
Although I could probably find an art that will work around my problems. but I am not sure which.

Thanks for your reply! :)


PS. just to 'try' and redeam myself, i took karate for a year when I was about 8, so I know a 'little'. and I am also an Eagle Scout :) So I am not a completely helpless gimp :) lol.
I have a back that limits me to about an hour of standing before it hurts like a bitch! So that is one problem, and problem two is it i take a very hard hit to the heart area of my chest, there would be a possibility of my aorta rupturing. (wow, i really sound like a complete wuss when I type it out! maybe i am :)


6' and 115 lbs.?? I recommend a large-caliber revolver! (just kidding) If you are 21 years old with a bad back already you really need to put on some muscle so you can have some strength and size. That would be a good start. You are really too young to allow yourself to be so physically weak because things only get worse as you get older! A weapon MAY get you out of a tight spot but it won't keep someone from messing with you if you look too much like a WUSS. Your best "weapon" would be to put on some muscle. LOL. Just my $.02
Originally posted by 95Bravo
6' and 115 lbs.?? I recommend a large-caliber revolver! (just kidding) If you are 21 years old with a bad back already you really need to put on some muscle so you can have some strength and size. That would be a good start. You are really too young to allow yourself to be so physically weak because things only get worse as you get older! A weapon MAY get you out of a tight spot but it won't keep someone from messing with you if you look too much like a WUSS. Your best "weapon" would be to put on some muscle. LOL. Just my $.02

I agree with that :) I have to be careful though, because the cardiologist says i shouldn't lift weights :( So I will have to find an alternative.
I try my best to stay out of possibly bad situations... but I like to think ahead :)

Wow, you are skinny. I'm 16, 5'10 or so, about 140 lbs, and I still consider myself to be a bit too skinny. So I can definitely sympathize with your situation.

Considering that you're 21 and as skinny as you are, I would also suggest lifting weights. However, if your cardiologist advises otherwise, I would definitely take his advice because I'm sure he knows a lot more about your condition than I do. Perhaps you should ask him if he can recommend any weight lifting regimens that would not stress your heart. If that fails, you can always buff up without weights. It's not as effective, but it will get you results. Try pushups, chinups, unweighted squats, situps, etc.

Also, don't neglect cardio. Again, check with your cardiologist first before starting anything, but jogging a few miles a day is almost always beneficial to most people.

As for relying on a weapon to bail you out of nasty situations, I'd keep in mind Grey Fox's great quote in Metal Gear Solid: "Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon." I carry my AFCK pretty much wherever I go just in case, but I'm also a part-time martial arts instructor, and I feel pretty confident in my ability to take care of myself.

Just because you're skinny doesn't mean that martial arts are useless. I would suggest seeking out a good school in your area and talking with the instructor about your situation. Remember, always check out every school in your vicinity before you make a decision. Shop around and pick something that feels right for you. There are plenty of good martial arts schools and also plenty of total crap ones; you will be able to tell the difference just by visiting and observing a little.

I was kidding with the first part of my last post. :)

Don't neglect physical fitness training. And don't let it overwhelm you. Build up slowly. Don't worry so much about your weight, train your body to respond the way you want it to. Use a standard fitness test to measure your progress and set goals each step of the way. You can use the Army fitness test or the law enforcment "Cooper" test. Someone here may know of a better measuring system, but I think they are great tools for overall fitness. If you can only do 3 pushups, then do 3, several times. You'll build up eventually. You gotta start somewhere.

I certainly wouldn't charactorize you as a "wuss". You already have a good understanding of your strengths and weaknessess. That alone shows you aren't afraid to be self analytical. (Most people are so they just talk big).

You'll do fine.

Originally posted by DaJonesMan
I'd keep in mind Grey Fox's great quote in Metal Gear Solid: "Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon

I love that quote!
Oh, and just for the record, 'Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty' kicks ass!

I really need to get into a physical excercise program. But it is hard to start and keep at it... I have started many times... and have stopped just as many.
I do income tax preperation during Jan-April, and I should incorporate some excercise in the morning, and from may-december, I race! or I am thinking about it :) So I defenatly have the time for excercise... I just have to get myself to fallow through, and be committed!

Thanks for all of your advice, I greatly appriciate it!

Hello Shrubba,

I may sound a bit harsh here, but I say what I do with your interests at heart. Also, take what I say witha grain of salt as there are only a few details here to go on.

I think you are looking for an easy way to save you butt. Sorry, you ain't gonna find it. Even if you bought a gun you'd have to spent a fair bit of time and money getting comfortable with the weapon and getting proficient with it. Ditto with a knife. If you do carry with self defense in mind, you ought to be practicing solo drills at least. Self Defense skills don't come cheap. You have to pay your dues in sweat. It is better to get knocked around by a sparring partner and learn than to get knowcked around by a gang banger and learn that way.

Since you are in and out of your vehicle and take all sorts of routes and go places, I'd suggest carryign a knife. You need somethign versatile by the sounds of it. Now go find someone in your area whoo can teach you how to use it in a SD situation and train. Also, work with your doctors so that you train safely, but make sure your training is effective.
Would it be possible for you to start a program of isometrics exercises along with some type of chi kung.PLEASE ASK YOUR DOCTOR first though.As for defending yourself-could you change your routes in bad parts of town or possibly eliminate going there all together. A weapon would be a definite plus but you will still have to train long and hard with it to gain expertise.There is a tape by Master Tsai called protect yourself check it out,it offers some techniques you would benefit from. Thanks for your time, Nightwing
a martial art that doesnt require a lot of strenuous activity i would reccomend is aikido. But to become effective with such a thing does require some degree of dedication. It is an internal art, as apposed to something external like karate. in a way in aikido you use the attackers energy against them... currently im taking ninjutsu. which i like alot it doesnt require a lot of strength to do a majority of things (of course it helps). i carry a pair of nunchucks with me, which i like because they favor speed over strength (dont get me wrong they are devesating in the hands of someone skilled), and it didnt take me too long to get the basic moves down either. if interested you could learn the basics from a few books... you would need a little room to practic to but not that much. (i started in a basement with a short ceiling and not a very big open space) well hope i helped at least a little good luck with what ever you do =o) peace.
Considering your cicumstances I dont know why you wouldnt want to carry a weapon. I am 6'2" and 235 pounds and am in pretty decent shape and while no ninja I can fight and yet I still went out and got my CCW and carry a handgun every day I also carry an Emerson CQC-7. It makes sense if your state allows it to get your CCW so that you can protect yourself.
If you don't want to carry a gun out of fear of using it or being hassled, then you better not carry a knife either. I would find a nice secure hole a curl up in it if I had that attitude.

God made man. Sam Colt made them equal.

Why do you think knowledgable 5' nothing women carry guns? Because they understand that the 250+ monster trying to rape them will probably leave them alone once they park a supersonic bullet in them, or for that matter, spill their life blood onto the street with a good blade.

Size doesn't matter when you learn to operate a gun or blade, and the "hassle" you fear from the police would be a small price to pay after you prevent a thug or group of thugs from violating your liberty or the life of your loved ones.

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

The State doesn't "allow" anyone to protect themselves with a CCW, they are simply covering their ass. Your right to carry a gun or knife and to PROTECT yourself is a right granted by GOD, not some sniveling elected politician who's worried about bad press.

The bad guys WILL carry guns and knives, bet on it.

Carry a knife, carry a gun, carry a rifle or shotgun in the trunk. Put a tomahawk, claw hammer, or roofing hatchet behind the seat. But no matter what happens, be aware, be relaxed, and if you have to go to blows, DESTROY your opponent by whatever means available.

Then call your lawyer.

The law is no longer about right or wrong. It is about agendas, personalities, who you know, and how much money you can give your lawyer to delay, lie, spin, and pay people off. But your life and right to self defense is sacred and just, no matter what the idiots say.

Your concern should be how much steel and firepower you can carry on your body while going about your day.
I have to second the thoughts that have been expressed. Their is NO easy way to learn self defence. Their is NO magical weapon that having it will protect you if you do not practice, work out and gain some mat/sparring ring experience.

You are over 21, so go apply for a CCW, and take as many shooting classes as you can. That would be a good start. The ability and the will to put a few bullets into an attacker before they can say "boo" is a good thing. It is NOT magic though.

Sometimes, shooting a guy is not appropriate. (No, I am not talking about the need for stealth in which case a knife should be used...)
For times like that some form of H2H will be required.

Akido is a decent art. Check it out. If you can find a Kali class that may be what you are looking for as well.

Point I and I think a lot of people are trying to make is that reading bladeforums is not going to be enough. Pick a style that has a strong basis in reality, Then go step onto the mat, and bring lots of advil.

The only way to learn it is to do it.

You mentioned you race. Race bikes? On foot? If you have a bad back then the flexibility from Martial Arts can help that.
Hiya Shrubby!
I'll leave the weapon's ideas to the guys more capable...but here's another approach...

Look at it from a different angle. One method that I have heard encouraged in one of the gun rags is if elderly/weak people are attacked, they could fake having a heart attack.
Closing off your own windpipe so that ya wheeze, grabbing your chest, falling down and, if you're truly in a life or death situation, losing control of your bodily functions is a nice addition.
After all, they AIN'T gonna wanna touch ya if ya just crapped yourself.

That's probably not one of the best methods stated here, but ya don't need to remember to take any stuff with ya other that's what in ya already!

If you're the insane sort, you COULD react to an approach by bad guys by slowly licking your lips, pinching your own nipples and screaming "MILK ME!!! MILK ME!!"

I'd think they'd rather go on their merry way than deal with a raving lunatic, don't you?

Oh, by the way, remember what I said about "leaving the weapons ideas to the guys more capable"? Well, I changed my mind.
All size/back issues aside, a handgun is a great equalizer. I'm 5'11, 235, sorta scary lookin' acccording to people that have seen me, and I ALWAYS have a .45 with me. Well, except when I go to airports or schools, then it wouldn't be legal.
There, I carry a 9mm!
I kidded!

Oh yeah, a can of OC works wonders on most folks.

Anyhow, if ya do the heart attack thing, lemme know how it works. By the way, don't have a REAL heart attack!
(Whew! Almost forgot to mention that!!)

Off to clean my drawers,
I remain,
First off, I strongly urge you to work with your doctor to figure out a good exercise routine. Not only will this make you better able to defend yourself, armed or unarmed, but it will greatly improve your health. Muscle strength takes work off of bones, makes you less likely to hurt yourself because your body has better support and cardio conditioning (carefully done in your case) can strngthen the cardiovascular system helping to prevent illness in that way. Don't worry about size and weight, I'm a 5'4" woman and think I can atleast put up a decent fight and I'm not in all that wonderful of shape. Of course TomMarker and SafetyGuy may tell you that I'm overestimating my ability.
I think goodbasic physical training is important even if you are going to be armed in someway, because you may have to respond first with a barehanded strike to gain yourself the time to draw a weapon.
A thought for you -

You've listed all the negatives you see in yourself and offered that perhaps some external tool might make up for these.

I offer this is natural thinking but the wrong path.

Perhaps the challenge you face is your belief that you are "a wuss"?

Which, frankly, sounds unfair given the physical attributes you've described as well as medical.

The army doctors told legendary martial artist Mike Echanis he'd never walk, run, or do marital arts again after wounds received in combat blew off most of his lower leg muscle and took over an inch off his heel.

Echanis elected to prove "them" wrong and not only recovered his mobility but became even more physically active and skillful than before he'd been hurt.

Your mind is the only weapon needed to overcome your self-doubts and fears.

As others have encourged you to do I'd meet up with my doctor and I'd TELL him I'm going to start exercising to increase my strength and aerobic levels. Then ask him how to HELP me do so objectivly and without making me feel like a "wuss". That'll get him off his ass. If not, get a second opinion.

I'd recommend Tai Chi (sp) to create both external grace, coordination, and strength plus inner calm and a growing sense of confidence. Those who study this Art offer it is amazing in these areas. You might find yourself benefiting nicely as you progress in your physical workout (Train slowly and build strongly. You don't need to bench press 500 pounds and look like Triple HHH of the WWF. Lean, light, and tough like whipcord is darn good for anyone).

Weapons training comes after Mind-Body-Spirit training. Who knows? You may discover you're just fine without them!
You might build on your existing strength (tall, thin, look like a wuss) and add a cane. A cane is legal in all situations, disarms your opponents psychologically, and then disarms them physically when you hook their foot or wrist-lock them with the crook, or maybe just crack their skull or jab them in the gut. It has decent reach. Many martial arts schools teach cane use. Find one and learn to use the weapon properly. It won't take a lot of strength at first, except in the hand and wrist, and I assume your doctor will let you lift 2 lb. weights.
I am the same age as you, though a bit bigger. I am 5'9" and 190#. I was an all county Nose Guard in HS, as well as a state champion (97) Lacrosse player. You need some muscle to effectively move people around, 115 is not gonna cut it, especially with your lanky build-no offense. You best defense would be to run IMO, and make sure you don't end up as to where you can't run away from your problems. Now I am saying this because you can get hurt bad if someone who is just messing with you, sees you pull a blade, and then takes it away. IMO the blade is the same as the gun, when I draw it I am not gonna flash it first and talk ****. It's gonna be pulled and in action in under a second and a half.

I have been in almost a dozen fights in the psat 5 years, one of which I ended up with a broken nose, others just bruises and black eyes. Not ONCE have I pulled out my knife, and it was on me everytime. I knew that the situations didn't warrant it. Mostly they were fights outside college bars, not alley confrontations however. But how many other DRUNK 16-22 year olds would have done the same, even when being bashed by three? Now I thought about it, but I realized I was probably gonna end up getting it ripped away from me, and hurt permanently. So even if you are getting roughed up dont use it. ONLY FOR LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS is what I go by. Two or more attackers I would probably slash one and try to get away fast, hopefully the other one would try to help his bud. Unpredictable situations, you have to think fast and read eyes.

One time I did have a blade pulled on me, and I threw my soda at the guy's face in the subway station and ran. That was the only time I thought about pulling my knife, and it took me half a second to decide not to. Soda only costs $1. Now if he had kept chasing me when I cleared the stairs into the street, I might have confronted him, but throughout the whole conflict he was never within 10 feet of me.

IMO your biggest problem is gonna be the same as mine. When you do get fortunate with a lady, remember to leave the blade in the glove box. Nothing like having to explain why you carry this razor sharp mean looking tac-folder when she pulls it outta your pocket as she is feeling around :eek: Luckily haven't had one abort the situation, but I could see it being a turn-off, a little "this guy is a freak" factor could pop into their heads. Women we can't pray to understand. Good Luck.
