What's so special?

Jan 24, 2001
I've been reading up on tactical knives as of late and I'm wondering... What exactly makes the Sebenza so much more desirable than the others. From what I've heard, there are plenty of folders out there that have the same qualities and cost about $200 less. I've also heard the handles have a tendency to scratch, as they are titanium. Would I be paying for the name, or is there really $200 dollars worth of knife I'd be missing out on? I know some of you feel rather strongly about your sebenzas, please explain, because I'm not seeing it.

Fear is the mind killer
Ok, I'm just gonna pull up a big ol easy chair, prop my feet up, and watch the action. Might be better than last 4th of July

Nakano, pass the popcorn please

Dave (Phil.4:13)
I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me
Lifter at work: www.profitness.com/Profiles/profileDaveAbramson
Excuse me while I go slam my head in my front door repeatedly just for opening this thread...

Nothing special, it is just a knife. Why do any of us waste our money on so many of these things, anyway? Why wasn’t I satisfied with my first one handed folder with decent steel? Why did I have to keep buying better and more expensive knives? Why do $750.00 custom tactical folders exist when the carbon steel Opinel will do the job?

Why do I only ask these questions at 3:30 in the morning?

James Segura
San Francisco, CA
well - usually ya get the seb if ya want fit finish and quality #1 - ya just cant describe 1 till ya handle it - just exudes quality - i dont think they have anything over many other cheaper knives, tactically, would pick up my CS Gunsite large, or a REKAT SIFU if i knew i was gonna get into it and knife was only option - sebs are like a mercedes, smooth, well fitted, well finished, prettiest knife around w/wood handles IMHO - anyway my .02 worth....
Tag dude- run a search for the word "Sebenza" in the Blade Discussion Forum and get comfortable. There's probably more threads on the Sebenza than on any other topic. The folks here at BFC that love Sebbies are questioned repeatedly on why this and why that when this costs less than that and does this just as well as that. Read, read, read; then buy a Sebenza and help us explain it all to the next guy.
To an even greater extent than Harley-Davidsons, "If I had to explain it, you probably would not understand."

This is not as condescending as it sounds. There are certain products that provide such satisfaction of use, ownership, etc. that explainations would pale in comparison with the experience.
Ditto. I waited for a couple of years before taking the plunge and don't regret it one bit.
A great working piece of sculpture, IMHO.

Buck Collectors Club Member # 572
Dedicated ELU
Knifeknut(just ask my wife)
Sebenza... simply the best.

The first knife was probably used to cut stuff.
I'll melt the butter, Dave.

(formerly bcaffrey)
He who finishes with the most toys wins.
Well I'll bite! I bought a classic Sebi in 95. Don't regret it one bit, here's why:

I bought a custom frame lock folder from another maker, well known and very popular(not DDR) and as I did and do with the Sebi opened and closed it over and over many, many times. The lock loosened up, but as a better explanation the lock would not stay against the back of the blade unless it was opened quickly allowing the lock to stick to the back of the blade. This only took 2 weeks of ownership. I have sold that knife!

The Sebi has gone through my opening and closing routine for 6 years and it has not changed.

Built to last that's all I can say.
When the Student is ready, the Master will come... or so the story goes....sounds like you are getting close to making a decision, money is money, a knife is a knife, make of it what you will. I own several Chris Reeve knives and own a few other custom made knives as well and the Sebenza's are keepers for a long time to come.

Response to the handles scratching, the titantium will scratch, as most material will, but it then has an oxidizing period that sort of heals it's self and doesn't show as much. Mine are used and don't appear none the worse for wear.


"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...

[This message has been edited by Gary W. Graley (edited 04-07-2001).]
I will be the voice of dissention here. I have two Sebenzas. Are they nice? Yes. Is the fit and finish excellent? Yes. Are they worth the money? There are other knives for the money I would rather have. I personally think the Sebenza is about a $250 knife. This is just my opinion of course. They do sell quickly for the full retail price, but I believe a lot of that is hype. There are more comfortable knives, better looking knives, and knives that perform just as well for less. If you are going to spend the money I would recommend a custom.

Dennis Bible

....Almost here, The Leading Edge....
. . . or you can buy a Sebenza and try it for yourself. If it doesn't do it for ya you can turn it around with very little lo$$.

Can't say that for many knives.

Frank Norman
Frank's Page
The real advantage of the Sebenza is that it pays for itself, IMO. When I got my small Sebenza, I had a list of folders I wanted. Nothing major-a Spyderco, couple of Benchmades, a couple of MTs. That list is gone. I have no desire for any more production folders, except maybe a large Sebenza.
And the answer is...I COULD tell you but then I'd have to kill you. Only true Sebenzanista's are privy to such arcane knowledge.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Smooth Bone:
. . . or you can buy a Sebenza and try it for yourself. If it doesn't do it for ya you can turn it around with very little lo$$.

Can't say that for many knives.

or better yet buy your self the TNT and dont send it back... great knife by a great maker!

Why climb a mountain? Because it's there.
Why buy a Sebenza, same reason. Joking aside, I was just as apprehensive. Then I got one and I am very happy for doing so. Do I wish it cost less. You bet your a** I do but I wish I didn't have to pay a $100.00 dollars and up I paid for all my other knives as well. Buy one if you like it keep it if not trade it or sell it. I'd say it retains it value more than any other producation knife that I have seen.