Who is coming to Blade Show?

Fletcher Knives

Aug 30, 2007
This year I will be at table 4d. Who all is coming? By the way, I have some VIP coupon vouchers. If anybody needs one, let me know. If you're coming, what all are you hoping to see, what tables are you looking forward to checking out. Me personally, I will be heading straight to Rick Marchand's table to kick him in the nuts while I'm listing after his knives. If any of you know about me and Rick, you know that while we enjoy busting each other's balls to no end, we are good friends and I absolutely love his work. Every year, his are the knives I covet the most. I say covet because I always get there after he's sold out and never manage to score one. I will one day though.
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I'll be there "24/7" ;) Besides you and the Fiddleback team, I will be visiting Carl Rechsteiner and Rick Machand's tables as priorities.

See you next week!

Damn... I can't make it this year, boyz. This is the first BladeShow I've missed since 2006. I wish you all the luck on your sharp endeavors.

Dyl... Sorry man... no Wing Chung Chi Sao battle. You and the whole Fiddelback bunch are among the highlights of the show for me. I wouldn't have had a table this year so had planned on spending more time with you guys(maybe check out the shop)... whether you liked it or not. I had also set up a ladies night with all your wives... hosted by your's truly...in appreciation of all those long hours you guys put in the shop. You know... foot massages, back rubs, tantric yoga.... I'm sure they all ran it by you. Anyway, I'll break the news to them on our weekly Ashley Madison group chat.:cool:

Rick, out.:p
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Damn... I can't make it this year, boyz. This is the first BladeShow I've missed since 2006. I wish you all the luck on your sharp endeavors.

Dyl... Sorry man... no Wing Chung Chi Sao battle. You and the whole Fiddelback bunch are among the highlights of the show for me. I wouldn't have had a table this year so had planned on spending more time with you guys(maybe check out the shop)... whether you liked it or not. I had also set up a ladies night with all your wives... hosted by your's truly...in appreciation of all those long hours you guys put in the shop. You know... foot massages, back rubs, tantric yoga.... I'm sure they all ran it by you. Anyway, I'l break the news to them on our weekly Ashley Madison group chat.:cool:

Rick, out.:p

I must admit this is one of the best posts to ever hit BF sir :)
As one of the few working on Memorial Day this made my morning.
I had a great time meeting with Dylan this year both at his booth and near the pit. If you weren't able to go you missed out, he was even rocking the kilt on Saturday.
I am kinda glad I missed that - I have seen Dylan's legs :D:D

Hey Dylan, Holden had an awesome time. I think he may develop a cold next year if he has a tournament, so he can come to Blade. Thanks for the tix bro.
It's hard to believe that a week has gone past since the start of Blade Show. It was great to meet both new & old friends alike, and to hear Dylan give a rousing speech. I've never seen him so happy. Speaking of happiness......this beauty jumped right off Dylan's table and into my pack:


This model speaks to how Dylan has managed to take his craft to a whole new level. The Zivug just melts into your hand !

Least I forget, here is the happy speech maker at the Saturday Night dinner at FdC's"

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thats a cool knife Peter

which model is that?


That my friend is Dylan's latest model "The Zivug"......loosely translated as "Soulmate". He did an introductory write up on it when he put the prototype up for sale. I believe you can still find it on his sub forum.
