Buck 100 Pro Series?

Jul 14, 2012
So these Pro versions have been out for some time now. How are they holding up? Worth the price upgrade?

I have owned...and sold a few of them. I am getting the itch again to try a few.

I am trying to decide if I want to try the 102 Pro or 105 Pro again?

*I currently own a Buck 105 with micarta scales that I believe was a prototype for the Pro series.

Any thoughts, opinions, etc are appreciated!
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I've never owned a102 - the dimensions just don't work in my head, even though I have, carry, and use smaller fixed blades.
I am a 105 fan, though, and I recently purchased the Pro version. I've carried it a bit, but I dislike the stock sheath (hate retention straps) so I've not used it. I've got a new sheath in the works; and I plan on carrying the 105 Pro once it arrives.
I've never owned a102 - the dimensions just don't work in my head, even though I have, carry, and use smaller fixed blades.
I am a 105 fan, though, and I recently purchased the Pro version. I've carried it a bit, but I dislike the stock sheath (hate retention straps) so I've not used it. I've got a new sheath in the works; and I plan on carrying the 105 Pro once it arrives.
I am leaning towards the 105 as well. The 102 just feels small in my hand. I already have a 105 with micarta scales, think it was a prototype for the Pro series.

The sheaths suck! I will have to find an aftermarket version for sure!
I wanted the whole set. I bought the BOM 117 thinking it would be my only chance then it became a regular offering. Thats as far as I got.

Did you lose interest after handling the 117? Or was the 117 so primo you knew buying any others would be a waste of money?
I like it a lot. But haven’t used it. So I can’t justify buying the others. I’m still tempted.

Really I have 3 of each 100 series with different handles I rarely use any of them.

I use my 212 a lot same handle, but W-2 steel. The handle is very rugged. I’m sure the pro models are very nice.

I never found the old phenolic models lacking in any way. They will last several lifetimes. Its hard to justify the premium materials on the Pro models.

But they are definitely very nice and worth the money. If things weren’t tight right now I’d have all of them waiting for new ones to drop.
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Maybe start by asking why you sold the ones you had? It seems strange to keep buying and selling the same knives and still wanting them.

But I rarely sell anything

It’s weird how some are exactly double the cost of the basic knife, some are more than double.

Definitely get the 105 over the 102, but the 117 is my first choice.
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Been tempted by the 117 version, but I wanted to wait until I use my 117 in 5160 just to see how I like it overall first. The handle, and how I like the size. I have been tempted by the 105 version too. The micarta looks good to me too.
I would recommend the Pro Series knives.
I like the micarta handle and s35v steel.

I made a point to obtain the 117 and the Limited 192 Vanguard, and would consider them amongst my favorite fixed blade knives that I use.

Do they do things better than their standard comparable offerings?
If a handle that remains grippy when wet, and a blade steel that holds it's edge better during use is of importance to you.... Yes.

Otherwise I find the standard knives completely capable of doing any task.

If you really like a particular knife and want an upgraded version I would say they're worth the money.
But I don't see myself buying other models as I'm content those standard versions.