
Nov 20, 2001
anyone cut their own hair? I've been using wahl clippers for the better part of 5 years and they're finally dying (getting dull) I don't know how to sharpen them-any advice?

man, am I excited about this forum.
I cut my own hair as well with a Norelco 20XL system. I never re-sharpen the blades I just order a new set and change them. My biggest problem is that I would like to have a new 20XL trimmer but I think that Norelco has stopped production of this model.
I also cut my own hair with Wahl clippers. Mine recently were getting to dull to cut so I threw it out and got another one.
I cut my hair every week. Use a Wahl. I have no idea how to sharpen the blades, although I have thought about the problem. There doesn't seem to be anything out there thin enough to get in between the teeth.

Truth be told however, I've never had the blades go dull. I've had a few sets in the past, and something always happened to my clippers. I dropped one on the floor and broke one of the teeth. The cord on another started to fray. Both times I just headed out to the local Wal-Mart and bought me a new set. At around $20 dollars I can afford to replace a set every few years or so. Especially since I calculate that I save about $2580 every five years cutting my own hair ($10 a haircut X 1 hair cut a week X 52 weeks X 5 years = $2600).
Lay the blades flat on a stone so that the blades contacts the stone where they touch each other. be sure to keep them flat, and they sharpen well. they are sharp when the corners of the teeth are square.