Recommendation? Decent cutting board under 40$

Oct 11, 2021
Hi, I am looking for relatively cheap cutting board that is approx 15" in length.

lately I have spent some money lately on nice VG10 knife and on some sharpening equipment so I am relatively on a budget.
It is important for me that:
I live in a small apartment so I need it to be light and not heavy and thick end-grain board.
When in a hurry I will be able to just cut some vegetables and throw it in the dishwasher so it should be dishwasher safe.
That it wont slide around on the countertop.
That it will be easy on the knifes edge.
( I mostly cut vegetables)

If it is too much to ask for the price let me know and I will wait with it.

I've had good luck with OXO boards; easy on the blades and non-skid. They will get small knife cuts in the surface but the dishwasher will keep them clean and safe.
I recently purchased two IMEKO cutting board on Amazon based on the customer reviews. I was looking for a light weight board that was easy on knives, washable and easy to store. I am very happy with them so far and they are relatively inexpensive as far as cutting boards go. The large size is 15.7" however you loose some working surface due to the juice grooves around the perimeter of the board. I find it a comfortable sized board using up to a 210mm wa-gyuto, ymmv.
Any real wood cutting board of the size and price you want.
You may also want to re-think throwing it in the dishwasher.
Just avoid bamboo, plastic, glass,. etc.
Not sure if the OP is still looking for a cutting board but I wanted to give an update on the large IMEKO cutting board that I had purchased. I got the large IMEKO primarily for raw poultry and meat. I am a home cook and I am still learning the finer points of breaking down a whole chicken and last night I got to break down a whole chicken using my new 160mm honesuki that I had sharpened to a hair popping edge. The knife and board worked well together; the board had a good feel when the knife touched the board and when using a little pressure to trim the wing tips. The board is made of Thermoplastic Polyurethane, it has a soft feel, it is light weight, the juice groves and a couple paper towels kept everything on the board and it was very easy to clean in the kitchen sink. I doubt I will ever put it in the dishwasher since the board is extremely easy to clean, dry and rehang on a hook after use.