My Knife Making Journey

Rushing and pressure can be impediments to creativity and quality. So can having to pay bills but what is life without challenge? Finding the right balance and work flow can be a key to success.

People looking to commission knives need to understand that they are commissioning a custom knife. It's a special thing. They aren't just paying for the tool but for one man to make it and everything that goes into that process. Time is one of the necessary ingredients.

I do hope you continue to take commissions. It's a valuable service to the customer. There is also value as an artisan or craftsman. It forms the direction of your art and in doing so, it puts that art in a position to best serve a special need for the customer. This in turn gives your art a chance to provide utility and happiness over longer periods of time.
I do hope you continue to take commissions

After the responses in this thread, it is hard not to.

Rushing and pressure can be impediments to creativity and quality

Perhaps. I hope to overcome that with my love for what I do, which is why I will be more selective in which jobs I take on, and do them as ROFR without deposits wherever possible. That way I can do what I love with less pressure, hence less perceived need to rush, and with no money on the line for my customers. Less stress for everyone.
Part of my journey includes giving back when I can. Here is one I will be giving away tonight. Posting photos here because for some reason we cannot attach them in the actual giveaway section. Do not post here if you want in. This isn't the giveaway thread.

Hey! I'm a highly competent appliance technician... based on a track record of ... 11 years or so...
I'm accountant by education...
As long as you make me Mortarion's Scythe one day (remeber to put farming implement on the customs form when sending it over! Magnacut should make the cut...)... don't worry! I'll organise the handle on my side of the big pond
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