New to Kershaw, need advice

Going with a ZT will only be big jump in quality, and with the size and weight. But if that is not a problem then go for it.

You did not mention a budget that you want to work within so my suggestions may not fit. The first ZT I will mention is the one I just got, the ZT0801, and that's because I am really enamored with it atm. But I do not see it being put away for awhile. I don't know if there are any blems of this knife to be had, but if anyone has some it will be kershawguy.

In the same price range you have the ZT0550, and the price range is around $200 or less, especially if there are blems tobe had.

The ZT0200, ZT0400, ZT0350 are others to look at, and should be in the $150 or less range, again with available blems. These are the ones I've had/have, and I wanted to stay in the $150-$200 range. Above that range the ZT0560, and ZT030X are knives I have (560)/had (0302).

Whatever you decide on, Kershaw or ZT, you are going to get a QUALITY product and a 1st rate warranty department to back it up!
Different strokes for different folks. Some people slowly enter a swimming pool, others bellyflop right in. The OP came looking for advice, not some uber-macho attitude.

That doesn't make any sense considering that there was some folks saying "no no! Don't jump into the ZT knives just yet!" as that would be the equivalence of telling a person not to jump into the pool his/her own way but to ease it into the pool the way the adviser would prefer the person to do.

Truth is, at the end of the day, the OP will have to decide HOW he wants to handle knives. We cannot decide/"advise" him how fast he can go into different knives or what knives are too soon to get into. That's not our place to tell him. We can suggest different knives and leave it up to him but we cannot suggest behaviors for him to perform when interacting with knives. Only he decides that part so no use in "advising" such things to him.
You can't go wrong with a regular Kershaw or a ZT in my opinion. My 0560 just arrived today and I'm blown away by the design and build quality.
...Next you'll be skydiving without a parachute.

The thing that scares me about new skydivers is the want to downsize too quickly. Small parachutes are fast.

To the OP, do what you want dude!
I own many kershaws started collecting years back. I really like kershaw knives, leek is still one of my favorites. But I bought my first zt probably a year ago the only reason I didn't sooner was because of price. After I finally got off my wallet I got to see first hand how good the build is. I now have a 2 zt knives still hard to part with the cash to buy zt but I will be getting a couple more very soon.
What the heck is the 'start with a Kershaw, and work your way up' thing about? Is the ZT too much to handle for some of you? It's a friggin' knife. You don't need a pair of training wheels on it first. I've never seen such a load as this, and so many of you do it! Just buy a ZT if you want one! You don't buy a Vespa to practice for a Harley, you buy a Harley and ride it.

I agree, I see no need to start with a kershaw and work your way up to a ZT. The knives are made by the same people and build quality is usually pretty close no matter if your buying a $100 knife or a $300 knife. I dont see how buying a leek will prepare you for a 0300. But either way, Im actually more curious about the coining of 100% factory made knives as mid-techs. They are amazing knives no doubt. But even though many are collaborations design wise, I don't see how they can be labeled mid-tech unless the definition has radically changed in recent years. The only ZT's I would call mid-tech were the 0300's that Tim Gaylean hand ground a few years back.
Too funny! I've been out of kershaw arena for a few years, I'm coming back and I'm after a 560 straigh up!
Start slow. You obviously can't handle a ZT with that level of fear. I recommend nothing bigger than a Scallion. You might consider a leek after a couple of years, but NOT a ZT. You just can't handle it for at least 5 years or so. Dragonfly to ZT? Good Gawd, Man! What are you thinking? Next you'll be skydiving without a parachute.

How's that? What you were expecting? Don't you worry, I'll be here to hold your hand each step of the way. Because you obviously fear change that you came to this forum for such advice. I have your back. We'll get through this together. Me and You...