
Sep 19, 2012
Love your stuff man! Saw you posting on the JK forums and checked out your web site Great you tube vids, you are fun to watch in them, got me thinking about throwing knives and hawks again! If I can't find my old
H&B knife we might do some business! Brad
Love your stuff man! Saw you posting on the JK forums and checked out your web site Great you tube vids, you are fun to watch in them, got me thinking about throwing knives and hawks again! If I can't find my old
H&B knife we might do some business! Brad

B, Thanks! Very kind of you to say so.
I try and do the best at what I love, so for me its all upside.
I'd love to see a resurgence of knife throwing, so do look for your H&B and if worse comes to worse, I'm happy to help out.
Also, let me know if there's any types of videos or testing you'd like to see.
- Hal Zucati