PGA#1 for 2/14 -- Malla by Bura

Mar 5, 1999
Here's a 17.5 inch, 22 ounce Malla by Bura. Can't find a thing wrong with it. Good chakma and I love the karda on this one. Scabbard is old style but nicely done and very well tooled. 100 year HI superfrog. It's a 10/10 effort overall.

Pala's give away price is $125 delivered to your -- $50 off for a perfect Malla by the old master and with a karda that's worth $125 alone.

Call or email if interested.

PS: That's not a super chape -- taped for protection.


  • pgq #1 for 2-14 -- malla by bura.jpg
    pgq #1 for 2-14 -- malla by bura.jpg
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I can't believe I'm actually the first one to see this!

Someone else can take it though--I'm still trying to figure out what to do with that baby rattle kothimoda you sent me. :)

Maybe the forum should buy it for the kid you met at the dentist today!

I can't believe it. ... I could have actually won the race for this Malla (cuz DaveK was kind enough to pass) :D. I usually arrive 16 posts after the khuk is gone!

I however will let this one pass too (although I think the Malla is on my list). ... I am lusting after a katana at the moment. ...

I can't believe a Malla would be holding out this long. There has to be someone here who doesn't have a Malla and wouldn't mind getting something by Bura in the process.
Nice Malla, I really like the Karda. Hey Uncle, is there any chance that Bura could make some more Kardas like that? I really like the ones that are 7.5 to 8 inches and that one has the best lines.
"Gone to our favorite lurker"
Uncle, I thought that was Jerry up in Wisconsin? Did I miss someone?