Pocket Clip for a Lone Wolf Double Duty


Gold Member
Oct 10, 2000
I have a Lone Wolf Double Duty folder with the pocket clip gone and the screws for it sheared off flush with the G10 scales, if I sent it to you, would there be anything you could do to remove stuck screws and manufacture & install a pocket clip of your design? Oh, and if so, what (ballpark) would an effort like that set a fella back?
So I take it by the 'double duty' that it is an auto? Button folder in other words? If so I have never worked on them. As I understand it its illegal in OK to make or repair them as well as build them but you can own them. I'm just wary of cross state lines mailings and that as I don't want to get into trade or inspection nonsense with repairs of a controlled item.

If it is a manual I can probably fix you up. Regardless reach out to me privately ( STR@bladeforums.com )I can probably tell a lot from photos of the build to know more about what I'd be up against. I can probably get it apart and get the sheared screws out from coming in on the back side. Worse case rethread the holes or straighten them back up cause I'm sure its 410 stainless or some other similar such liner material. Lets see a pic we'll go from there.
Actually, thank you for the reply, the fellow that sold it to me has agreed to take it back, so I think I'll just go that route. Again, thanks for the time spent in reply, and yes, it's an auto anyhow, so that could create problems in and of itself.