SAKs & Other Knives - Carried Together

Put these two in my pocket this morning. The Super Tinker is the same thickness as a Farmer X and has scissors. Trying to see if I'll be getting a Farmer X when they come out. Usually I restrict my carry to 2 layer Cellidor or 3 layer Alox. So far it seems that is not going to change for the Farmer X. :)
Once again the second knife, the Roundhead, I'm carrying just because I like it... I mean who wouldn't like a knife covered in Holy Wood (palo santo) ;):D?
My carry pair for the last 6 months has been the Small Tinker in my watch pocket and a small fixed blade on my belt. The most carried has been the Condor Compact Kephart and I occasionally carry a Arno Bernard Squirrel. The result of having the fixed blade on my belt is that I use the SAK much less for cutting. I still keep a Leatherman Squirt on my car key chain. It frankly has not been used much in the last few months but I won't change the setup. If I change the Squirt it will be a LM Style without a blade.
Inspired by 22-rimfire 22-rimfire fixed blade carry yesterday I thought I get out this pocket combo.

Bark River City Knife / Pioneer
The BR City Knife model certainly looks very handy. I may have to take a look at one. ;) I have been digging out my small fixed blades. As the years go by, I sort of forget about them. The Dozier's would work pretty well. Have a little stag handled fixed blade knife made by a guy named Wallace bought I believe at Blade years ago. Never used it. There are others. I just hope I can figure out which sheath goes with it. As time passes, unless they are marked with a tag or something, you forget.

Back when I first started buying handmade knives, the small ones were cheaper and I was drawn to them. I still am. But I still prefer something a bit larger for woods carry if for no other reason than the higher potential for an emergency happening (physical injury for the most part) while out hiking or puttering around.
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I love the Case 087 knife pattern, but with only a knife, no matter how sharp the blades or elegant the design, one is unequipped to deal with many simple tasks often tossed our way on life's daily journey, such as openlng a bottle of beer or tightening a screw.

Here is a humble Case 32087 pen knife paired with a simple Alox Bantam.

My carry pair for the last 6 months has been the Small Tinker in my watch pocket and a small fixed blade on my belt. The most carried has been the Condor Compact Kephart and I occasionally carry a Arno Bernard Squirrel. The result of having the fixed blade on my belt is that I use the SAK much less for cutting. I still keep a Leatherman Squirt on my car key chain. It frankly has not been used much in the last few months but I won't change the setup. If I change the Squirt it will be a LM Style without a blade.

I've been flirting with the small pocket fixed blade as an 'un-folding pocket knife' but I'll carry one for a while then go back to just dropping a small SAK in a pocket and calling it good. I just don't run into any heavy duty cutting jobs where a small fixed blade is going to give me a clear cut advantage in what I need a knife for in my day to day suburbanite life style. If I'm off in the woods, my old Buck 102 is on my belt, but in town its just excess baggage. The pocket size fixed blades like the Boker gnome is not any better than my 2 inch bladed executive for slicing a bagel or cutting a sandwich n half. But the executive, or what I now call it, the Chuck Yeager Sierra knife has a huge advantage over any small fixed blade;


I guess I just don't live an adventurous enough life to justify taking up pocket space with a small fixed blade. I've tried it and always go back to the regular slip joint pocket knife. If I'm going to put it only belt, why go with something that small with a blade no longer than a regular pocketknife? And my belt is getting too crowded anyways. My cell phone in on my belt, as is my Ruger LCR when I carry it. If I don't carry the Ruger, thats because my NAA mini revolver is in my right hand pocket in its DeSantis pocket holster which means my right hand pocket is now taken up with small revolver and speed strip of spare ammo. That leaves my coin pocket, which holds my CYS knife just fine.

I guess i'v gone conventional in my old age.o_O

I guess theres a reason folding knives took over the knife market post civil war. Just no need for the fixed blade. Heck, according to records in Harold Petersons old book "American Knives" that had shipping records for trading posts and stores, the most popular knife shipped west after 1850 was the John Russell Company Barlow. It seems like it was in the pockets of more cowpokes pushing a heard of cattle up the Chisholm Trail or freight wagon drivers going over Raton Pass, or even Mississippi River boat pilots like a certain Samuel Clemens who later wrote about his river adventures under the name of Mark Twain.

If a two blade Barlow was good enough for Mark Twain in all his travels, a CYS knife should do for this old fart in the wilds of Texas Hill country. :D
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J jackknife I only sometimes have a handgun on me. I never carry a cell phone on my belt. I used to pre-smartphone days. Now, it is in a shirt pocket, jacket pocket, or rear pants pocket if I am walking such as inside a store. I don't get that many calls.

I carry my little fixed blade on my belt (regular style-vertical). Cross draw works too. I wouldn't feel comfortable with anything over about a 3" fixed blade for edc purposes. I tried larger, but I was really self conscious and felt "why am I doing this?" I'm still pretty new to a edc type fixed blade. But as I said, I find myself doing most of the cutting with it rather than my sak. It is not strength.... it's convenience.

Pocket carry of a fixed blade is just not handy for me and I would simply carry a folder. Too much space taken up in my pocket plus belt carry is a lot safer.

Part of it may well be that the small sak is inside my watch pocket mostly and it is a little harder to retrieve than inside a regular pants pocket.
This little Classic is always with me if I’m at work. Plus a Recruit in my backpack.


I regard those classics as the unsung hero's of SAKdom. They are the most produced and sold, and its truly amazing what real work can be done with the little gem. The other SAK's get the glory, but the classic is like the army private who does the real work. Based on 20 years of steady carry, I have huge respect for them. :thumbsup:
I regard those classics as the unsung hero's of SAKdom. They are the most produced and sold, and its truly amazing what real work can be done with the little gem. The other SAK's get the glory, but the classic is like the army private who does the real work. Based on 20 years of steady carry, I have huge respect for them. :thumbsup:

I have had a Classic on my keys since I bought my first one on Camp Pendleton in 1990. That one had, and still does, the Marine Corps emblem on it. I have several stashed around I vehicles, boat, fly fishing vest, just incase I forget a knife. I’ll toss them to a friend that needs to borrow one for a second and have even offered up my toothpick, but nobody ever takes me up on that :confused:.....weird...