Thank You

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Dec 9, 2001

First, my thanks to Andy Prisco for two things.

One, for asking me to participate in this venue and Two, for noting in his last post that I'm way new to BladeForums and my learning curve is a steep one.

However, my participation was predicated on this being a positive experience for all involved. Clearly my ignorance of the rules and policies, although not intentional, has created a negative environment for some, to include at least one Super Moderator.

I note in private correspondence with one of those involved in BladeForms that I posted the House Rules, thread deletions, and my position on private email(s) and such early on. Never were these postings commented on other than as being positive and available. No one offered they might be in opposition to established policies and procedures.

Until now, that is:)

This has been fun, educational, and informative. I have learned as much from Forum participants as I have offered in return. Thank you all for the opportunity.

With this in mind it's my decision to leave the Forum as a moderator. My intent was to provide an honest, positive environment for a broad range of discussion. The "House Rules" were meant to create a secure perimeter for all of us to work within. If they don't apply, or cannot be tolerated, then my participation is without value. The "flames" likewise do not interest me. This aspect of cyber discussions / publishing is perhaps the most destructive to the venue and in the past I've advised close friends who come under such fire to simply walk away. It's not worth the energy, time, effort, or hassle.

I am now taking my own advice:D

Sierra912 Actual, out.;)
Greg, thanks for being a part of the forums and for lending your knowledge to the subjects here. I apologize for failing to better aprise you of some of the rules before you came on board, and the resulting friction can partially be laid at my feet.

Good luck and God speed to you - stay safe!

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