The Missing Kootenai

Aug 1, 1999
As we're putting together what Rob had going, we've discovered that the prototype Kootenai is missing. Christine seems to recall Rob saying it was sent off for pix. I've spoken with Terrill Hoffman who's done some of Rob's pix, but he doesn't have it. It may have gone to a magazine for the pix, but both Blade and Tactical knives say they haven't seen it. If ANYONE knows where it is, please let me know and help me get it back. We want to move ahead with making this piece and it will save a lot of time to have the original. It will also return to Christine something that is a very important momento for her.

Now let me add this. If someone has it and is knowingly not returning it, thinking to have a great collectors item, you had better never try to sell it or you will have a whole lot of very pissed off Rob Simonich brothers and friends, their children and grandchildren, parked on your doorstep forever. I don't think that's the case, but would like it returned ASAP.

I just wanted to add that not only did we find it, but the fellow who bought it (Christine didn't know it was sold and that Rob probably had another blade profiled which we can't find) has offered to have the engineering drawings made that we need to move it into production. People are great!

Thanks again to everyone, and especially to Julie Hyman at Arizona Custom Knives who originally bought it from Rob and who tracked down the person who has it now.
I am very glad to hear that Jerry! People in the knife community never cease to amaze me.
Very cool. I'd chatted with Rob (via e-mail) about that prototype. Sounds like just what i've been looking for.

I'm excited to see this moving forward.

Is the Kootenei similar to the Urban Raven, but with a single guard on it?
I believe their is a picture on the Simonich website.

*I think it is the bottom knife in this picture:
That is indeed the Kootenai. It will be a great day indeed when it becomes a reality.
Golok, I believe the Kootenai were a Native American tribe, if I'm not mistaken, I think it might also be a mountain range.

Sid, I'm on Christine's waiting list for one too and am really looking forward to their becoming available around June-July 2005.


Never to be forgotten: James Mattis, Walt "Doc" Welch, Rob Simonich
Ditto. I should be receiving a Crowfoot sometime soon and thanks to this thread I'm on the list for a Kootenai.