Tough Boot Laces??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2007
I'm in search of some tough boot laces that will also stayed tied? I've gone through 2 pair of laces this year and it looks like it may be three before the year is out. Any suggestions or links would be appreciated.
I personally love the laces from Pisgah Range.

They're tough, they're inexpensive (comparatively), they come with a lifetime warranty, and they have a great color selection. Also, I have no problem keeping them tied with a simple double knot.
If you want your laces to stay put, you need some short of natural fibers (cotton) on them, otherwise they are slippery. Or at least that's my experience. Paracord seems to be VERY slippery.

Just a preference. Holds less water.
Just a preference. Holds less water.
I agree, stays tied better to.
I've found that the more it's used the better it is
The last time I used it, I gutted it washed it,( hot water, took off the coating or finish) and got it dirty and dusty by putting it in the floor of my shop and kinda rubbing it in.
Wiped it off good and it worked like a charm, stayed tied without a knot just a bow.
The current issue of Offgrid (issue 40) has an article on that very subject. I bought a couple of pair of boot laces off Amazon based on the story and will be field testing them in my own boots.
I use leather when I don't want them to come untied dragging through brush and so forth.
Kevlar laces from Red Wing store. No stretch, stay tight, super durable/long lasting, don’t tear with embers. Awesome laces. They were recommended to me by a pipe fitter/plumber/welder and I now have them on 4 pairs of boots.
550 cord. I always replace my stock boot laces with it. Lots of colors too. It's the easiest way to carry emergency cordage.
Big Thumbs up on this recommendation.. I have been using the 550 cord for laces for decades.. working in the south pacific islands as well as going to the Philippines where the jungle muck and mire can suck off boots just as fast as you step into it.. Square knot at the top and what I would do is have a little extra length tucked into the tops of the boots just incase the requirement for tying something up came up in emergency needs.. I was a medic as active duty military and a police officer working in a jungle environment after that..