What Buck are you carrying today?

301, and 110.

I went back to my normal EDC trio. (Third is a 4 blade Marbles Camp/Scout knife)

Mines perfect, great knife.

Now that is one great looking knife and love the handle. Always see something new and this one looks like a must have. Hope it is still being made. Got the alpha Hunter and CSAR but this folder looks top notch. Fun pickin out which one to wear each day.
Now that is one great looking knife and love the handle. Always see something new and this one looks like a must have. Hope it is still being made. Got the alpha Hunter and CSAR but this folder looks top notch. Fun pickin out which one to wear each day.

They do still make it. Most of the scales are more subdued. This one stood out.
The usual: American Eagle Gent (which replaced my lost 55)-that's my "food knife"; cut an apple, etc-no dirty work.
Vantage Avid (I had the Select, dropped it and a week later it wouldn't open; sent it in told them I dropped it so maybe it was my fault and they sent me the Avid-love the scales).
BuckTool on my belt, use it almost every day at work. I stuck the Ruger GP 100 in there which is my EDC handgun, love how those grips look with the Vantage scales.

Nice pistola! I have that exact same model and love it to pieces. :thumbup:
After 2yrs of constant carry I've decided to give my 482 a break so I can carry some neglected knives ( and now my imperial jackmaster )
But I still carry my buck 283 on its DIY suspension clip.
( the suspension clip was a pocket clip from a cheap little novelty linerlock that I simply bent carefully )
Love the ecolites. Now that summer is coming, one will rotate in for 2dot 110 for shorts pocket carry.
Went turkey hunting today, carried an Alpha Dorado 154CM, didn't get to use it.