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Bad An unfortunately horrible experience with True North Knives

Neil did jump to an assumption. My only ? Would be, are you also. Are you sure he ever got your email. Companies get loads of them and they can get lost in the flood. Agreed - if he got the email he should have followed up with an appology, for not following up in the 1st place with his doubts.
Neil is not in the customer is always right camp, but overall a pretty nice guy. I think he is honest and honestly believed his response was right. It wasn't and can't blame you for the thread or taking your business elsewhere.
Neil did jump to an assumption. My only ? Would be, are you also. Are you sure he ever got your email. Companies get loads of them and they can get lost in the flood. Agreed - if he got the email he should have followed up with an appology, for not following up in the 1st place with his doubts.
Neil is not in the customer is always right camp, but overall a pretty nice guy. I think he is honest and honestly believed his response was right. It wasn't and can't blame you for the thread or taking your business elsewhere.
Neil sent his email at 4:14pm, I replied at 4:38pm. We had several email exchanges before that in which we received all of each others emails.

My email technology also confirms the email was sent and received what is now exactly 7 days ago.

So there’s no reason for me to assume he didn’t get my email. He got my email, I’m sure he read it and didn’t care.

I don’t take threads like this lightly and I don’t really want to drag this out any further. I’ve had bad experiences in the past and I’ve never gone out of my way like this before. In this case, I was so bothered by my experience that I felt it’s my responsibility to keep others informed and aware.

Thank you to everyone for your replies and words of kindness and solace.
Neil sent his email at 4:14pm, I replied at 4:38pm. We had several email exchanges before that in which we received all of each others emails.

My email technology also confirms the email was sent and received what is now exactly 7 days ago.

So there’s no reason for me to assume he didn’t get my email. He got my email, I’m sure he read it and didn’t care.

I don’t take threads like this lightly and I don’t really want to drag this out any further. I’ve had bad experiences in the past and I’ve never gone out of my way like this before. In this case, I was so bothered by my experience that I felt it’s my responsibility to keep others informed and aware.

Thank you to everyone for your replies and words of kindness and solace.
Then no excuse for him not following up with an appology. I can see how the mistake could have happened through power of suggestion-they were thinking CRK heard the sound and jumped on it. But it was their mistake.
No matter what dealer, it might be a good idea not to knife fidget during the voice mail :)
Hope your friend enjoys the knife-nice present
Then no excuse for him not following up with an appology. I can see how the mistake could have happened through power of suggestion-they were thinking CRK heard the sound and jumped on it. But it was their mistake.
No matter what dealer, it might be a good idea not to knife fidget during the voice mail :)
Hope your friend enjoys the knife-nice present
For sure no more knife fidgeting during voicemails 😄
Thanks to BF and FB members suggestions I was able to make the action on the knife much better and I gifted it to my buddy yesterday. In my culture’s tradition the best man of your wedding is also the Godfather, who will play out that role during church and when I have children. He made a lifetime commitment to my family when he said yes and in return received a lifetime knife. He was absolutely thrilled with it and that’s all that really matters. Thanks, Peter!
The customer isn’t always right, but the customer should come first. When the area is gray, a smart business will figure out how to assist the customer the best they are able. Even in the most blatant situations of abuse, the business should be courteous. A smart business doesn’t sell something to someone as a singular transaction.. they’re selling to them in the hopes they’ll sell to them again in the future.

Sometimes you can be “right” and lose a customer.. or “understanding” and gain one for life. TNK should have kept it objective, received in the knife for a return inspection, and then contacted the buyer to explain the options offered. Making assumptions about what you heard on the phone is so ridiculous, presumptive, and ego-based I can’t believe they even brought it up.
Neil has not logged in to BFC since last Thursday, though he could see this thread without logging in if he wanted to. Still, giving him the benefit of the doubt regarding his knowledge that this thread even exists, I took the liberty of emailing him a link to this thread earlier today in the hope that he would make an appearance. I guess we will see.
You kept the $700 knife which means his inspector and packer were correct, the knife was as expected for a Model 31 when shipped. Neil makes sure his products are good to go before shipment. He’s known for that. That protects the customer and him. In this thread you are pretty agitated, who knows what your voice mail sounded like that prompted his email. If your tone was like this thread…

Neil is a passionate guy, he was mortified about my problem and took care of it quickly. I asked my lady who bought the knife and handled the return about her interaction with him. She spoke to him to order the knife and two more times regarding the return. (She’s old fashioned and actually orders things with the phone and calls first when there is a problem:). She’s polite,, but has a steel backbone.) She said he was nice, courteous and apologetic even though it wasn’t his fault. She’d buy from him again. She felt sorry for him due to this “trial by internet”.
You kept the $700 knife which means his inspector and packer were correct, the knife was as expected for a Model 31 when shipped. Neil makes sure his products are good to go before shipment. He’s known for that. That protects the customer and him. In this thread you are pretty agitated, who knows what your voice mail sounded like that prompted his email. If your tone was like this thread…

Neil is a passionate guy, he was mortified about my problem and took care of it quickly. I asked my lady who bought the knife and handled the return about her interaction with him. She spoke to him to order the knife and two more times regarding the return. (She’s old fashioned and actually orders things with the phone and calls first when there is a problem:). She’s polite,, but has a steel backbone.) She said he was nice, courteous and apologetic even though it wasn’t his fault. She’d buy from him again. She felt sorry for him due to this “trial by internet”.
Your “good” experience doesn’t cancel out his bad one. Neil is “passionate” alright.. seemingly passionate about being “right”.
Your “good” experience doesn’t cancel out his bad one. Neil is “passionate” alright.. seemingly passionate about being “right”.
Thank you.

B brownshoe As for the tone of my voice during my voicemail, as I’ve said throughout this thread, which you’ve chosen to ignore, I was nothing but respectful towards Neil during my voicemail and my email exchanges but thank you for assuming what my tone of voice was….

I have a right to be slightly agitated given all that facts, and you don’t have a right to tell me how I should feel just because you had a positive experience and just because I kept the knife which I fixed before gifting.

It seems you just want to trigger an ill response from me by constantly dismissing everything I’ve said in this thread just because I decided to keep the knife which again, is beside the point.
Meh. He assumed you were flicking the knife you ordered on the voicemail like some kind of manchild and flew off the handle a bit. That was ill advised on both parts.

You don’t seem to think the fact that you kept the knife means anything… I can assure you, it means everything. If you both had a chance to explain yourselves I’m sure it all would have been worked out.
You don’t seem to think the fact that you kept the knife means anything… I can assure you, it means everything.
Please elaborate because I disagree. Whether or not I decided to keep the knife he still said what he said in that email and didn’t allow me an opportunity to return/exchange it.
If you both had a chance to explain yourselves I’m sure it all would have been worked out.
I agree with this, through communication all things can be settled, but Neil didn’t leave any room in his email for communication and he didn’t call me back even though I left my number on the voicemail and in another separate email. He chose not to reply to my last email either. I did my part.
So I checked again to see if Neil has been here since this thread started and was notified of its existence. He was here on Sunday, just three days ago, and obviously refuses to explain his poor behavior or apologize. I try to withhold judgment until I hear both sides, but if he cannot be bothered to acknowledge/explain a mistake, I cannot be bothered to buy from him in the future. Thankfully there are other available resources.
TNK has a website that looks like something out of the early 2000’s and I’m reading reviews where the owner cancels orders placed over seemingly frivolous details. What is the big allure with them? I have never visited the page until now but it just seems a little antiquated and ma/popish.
To clear the record, I most certainly did cancel your order. The only reason I did that is because you used two different telephone numbers, both of which didn’t work and one of them was a forwarder in Miami and that telephone number on their website also goes nowhere.
He told me it wasn’t a problem and that you had 10 other dealers that had the same knife. Having said that if you wanna make a complaint, that’s perfectly fine and it’s your prerogative, but try telling the truth try telling the whole story and you may find other dealers that will be willing to ship to you, because I never will.
To clear the record, I most certainly did cancel your order. The only reason I did that is because you used two different telephone numbers, both of which didn’t work and one of them was a forwarder in Miami and that telephone number on their website also goes nowhere.
He told me it wasn’t a problem and that you had 10 other dealers that had the same knife. Having said that if you wanna make a complaint, that’s perfectly fine and it’s your prerogative, but try telling the truth try telling the whole story and you may find other dealers that will be willing to ship to you, because I never will.
Neil, you’re confused buddy. I’m not the original poster and I have never purchased a knife from you. In any case, not sure what the phone number has to do with anything. People have enough telemarketers calling their phone, why risk having you sell their numbers to a marketing firm? Why do you need any phone number at all? Just take the money and ship the knife, why is that so hard? You’re not interviewing people for a job… you’re conducting a business transaction that should be quick and painless.

Well, have fun calling everyone that wants to buy a knife from you. I don’t even answer my phone these days unless a friend or family member calls so good luck with that business model.
Neil, you’re confused buddy. I’m not the original poster and I have never purchased a knife from you. In any case, not sure what the phone number has to do with anything. People have enough telemarketers calling their phone, why risk having you sell their numbers to a marketing firm? Why do you need any phone number at all? Just take the money and ship the knife, why is that so hard? You’re not interviewing people for a job… you’re conducting a business transaction that should be quick and painless.

Well, have fun calling everyone that wants to buy a knife from you. I don’t even answer my phone these days unless a friend or family member calls so good luck with that business model.
I don't think he was replying to the OP either, since the OP didn't have his order cancelled, his return was refused.