Photos Beckermuk Trios

The Green River skinners do look very similar.
No sunlight!
Teaching lunatic!
(teaching lunatics?)
Keep meaning to stage a photo, but case of the fergets.
I can’t figure out how to post pictures from my phone and by the time I get home from work I’m all beat up. Then I still have to do my Honeydo work orders. Fall asleep no pictures posted repeatπŸ˜”
😭 :p
Near as I can guess from the shape, Nessmuk's knife was probably a well worn sheep skinner -- green river still makes a very similar pattern.

The Green River skinners do look very similar.

Hmmmm - not without the realm of possibility but there are enough differences to my eye to make me skeptical. If one were to snap off the tip of a Green River skinner type and fit it with a Stag handle, then it's plausible, I suppose. Still quite a bit of belly in the knife displayed in the book though, doesn't quite jive with the Green River patterns - unless, of course, things have changed over the almost couple of centuries. Looking at antique Green Rivers, they tend to display a lot of narrowing of the blade with a lot of use and wear.

Don't mind me too much, just thinking out loud. Eagerly awaiting my new axe - supposed to get in today, I want to take it with me to Becker West tomorrow.
Here is my Beckermuk trio:



Nice! I think Bladite has a few of those axes.
Great idea Dubz! I'll have to get some pictures and join in with y'all in the next day or two if the rain stops.

I have consider this more than once through the years and for this trio I could think of a few different set ups that I might choose dependant on where or what time of year I would be venturing out.

Nice to see some other folks choices and pictures.
Man, this thread is full of some really good stuff!
I’ve yet to be bitten by the axe bug, but I can definitely see the quality in some of those I’ve got to play with. Some of the Norland stuff is nice. As is the Granfors stuff.
I’ve been more than happy with my Fiskars X7. Super sharp and easy to sharpen. Chops great. Cheap. Fills all the boxes.
As far as a Becker and folder to go along with my X7. Man, that’s tough…
I’d probably go saber ground BK16, Fiskars X7, and my Spyderco Manix 2.
Ok, dragged a handful of options out into the yard.

Let's start with the Obvious. Good ol' inspirational BK-62, rasp hawk from @damselflyforge, and a Birudashi (you'll see this a lot):


A more modern package: Vintage Warren Boy's axe (one of my fav's!), the fantastic BK-16, and the 'dashi again:


What if we're not hatchet people? Here's another swinger instead... BK-21 dominates the stump. :). AuK4 for a middle-sized Kephart, and again the 'dashi:


Here's the whole family out for the yard-safari, organized by reach. The AuK5 didn't make today's cut because the '62 filled that slot.

Does anyone use a large tomahawk style head with a mid-length (20"-26") ax handle? It seems like this combo would be an incredible chopper, quick in hand, and lighter than an ax of similar size. Of course splitting is an issue but one cannot have everything.
What is a boy's ax - is it just a lighter head and shorter handle? Or does it have a different head shape/blade grind?

Yes, it's a fairly common configuration. I think that Warren head is 2lb.
I went through the same thing re: long tomahawk. Ended up with a 1.5lb (larger, really) hatchet head on a boy's axe haft. Works well.
What's lacking in tomahawkland is readily available long hafts with a gentle taper. I'd even like a zero-taper down at the end, which is to say straight down at the end to stay in your hand better for non-throwing use.

My HB Forge Medium Camp Hawk is on a 19.5" haft, with the top of the head sitting about an inch below the end of the haft.
Awesome daizee, thanks for posting.
I almost pulled out my Beer Scout, but since I never actually carry it...
I really like mine but it gets carried less in the summer due to it being carbon steel. Now that cool temperatures are here it will be getting some pocket time again.
Awesome Nsvens89, thanks for posting. I love that Plumb axe.