Photos Beckermuk Trios

...I'd even like a zero-taper down at the end, which is to say straight down at the end to stay in your hand better for non-throwing use.

My HB Forge Medium Camp Hawk is on a 19.5" haft, with the top of the head sitting about an inch below the end of the haft.
In my mind one of the great strikes against tomahawks for hypothetical bush use is the lack of a handle swell to keep one's palm in place.
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I finally got a day I was actually home while it was still light outside and got a few pictures. Sad part is I left my user BK62 and BK15 at the cabin so this is my spare (unused yet). and the Farmer in the pictures is fairly new. I broke the saw blade off my usual Farmer carry cutting notches in hedge posts. Anyway my Becker trios ... first is a GB Small Forest Axe a BK62 and a SAK Farmer ... second just substitutes a GB Wildlife Hatchet if I wanted to lighten the load in a smaller package.

P1000875 trio.jpg

P1000893 trio with GB SMALL.jpg
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Awesome man, thanks for posting.
Not sure if this is appropriate for the thread, but coincendtally I have been working on two axe heads I found at the dump. I wish I took some before photos, they were completely crusted over.

I soaked them in white vinegar for a week, then gave them a quick hand sanding on 300 grit wet paper.

One is a Plumb, the other I have no idea. Now I need to learn how to create handles and how to seat them.

One is a Plumb, the other I have no idea. Now I need to learn how to create handles and how to seat them.

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I did a quick search and believe this may e a Collins ax head. Hopefully somebody more knowledgable can confirm or show who the maker is.

Have fun restoring those! Looks like good projects!

As to my trio…
I’d have to say Id prefer sticking with three Beckers…
Chopper: BK21 Kukri or BK9 Bowie
Midsize: BK16 Short Field Knife
Small: BK11 Necker or replace with a Vic SAK like OHT or Farmer.
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