Best blade type for EDC?

Thx all!

Picked up a 3" Wharncliff off the exchange. So far I'm liking it quite well.

Doubt it will my last!
Congrats. Nice choice. I'm sure it won't be your last as u said.
I bought a 3" wharnie because it was the only blade grind left available for a while and from that fact alone I convinced myself that they must be inferior and that's why they are the only ones left in stock, I felt it was lacking in some way.

I then got it in my head that I needed a spanto for edc and the wharnie would just be secondary but I carried the spanto 2-3 times and realized the wharnie was really best for me so that's what I've carried for months now....

I do a lot of box opening at work and scoring sticky labels for inventory so for me the wharnie really works best. Much easier time sharpening as well
I must admit that I kinda had the same thought at first. I was looking for my first RHK. Knew I wanted a 3", the they were producing the Wharncliffe at that time. Did some reading, and realized that it was probably the perfect Edc for me. It was.
The wharncliffe probably does not have the aesthetic appeal that some of the other grinds have. When you think of Hinderer, you think Spanto. I was able to hunt down a current generation Spanto, and love it too. My wharnie is my go to knife though. I hope we will see some of the other grinds in the 3" platform, but I'm glad they did do the Wharncliffe.
Can't say I've used it yet, but I picked up a bronze working finish 3.5 bowie today, and I love it!! I usually have a Tanto Umnumzaan in one of my pockets, so the precise tip of the bowie will be nice to have too, and the choil and thumb-rest seem to combine beautifully.