Photos Choppers

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Same price on their website, btw.
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eBay adverts are not permitted on this site

Same price on their website, btw.
Sorry about that. I was only trying to show the pic of a currently-available US Plumb M1917 Bolo reproduction. Sadly the firm that has the reproduction bolo knives has moved its entire store to eBay.

Here's a pic. Apologies for the small size; it was all I could do.

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Sorry about that. I was only trying to show the pic of a currently-available US Plumb M19117 Bolo reproduction. Sadly the firm that has the reproduction bolo knives has moved its entire store to eBay.

Here's a pic. Apologies for the small size; it was all I could do.

That's great! Thank you for sharing.
My newest chopper I'm working on of various lengths.... The model is called "No Sizzle"

Comfortable grip, and hits Hard!

I still have to clean it up, add my flared front lanyard tube, still some light handle contour finalizing, and etch.....

Very Impressed so far, really Chops
I'm going to make a bunch
No Fuller?

Deliberate and noteworthy design choice. You wanted all the weight possible under that chop.

Well done!

What steel choice is that?

A strategy in sales states that you don't sell the sell the Sizzle.

I don't have anything that would be considered unnecessary in my designs........
I've got No Sizzle. ;)

This particular one is AEBL treated to 62,so far No chips. I plan on making them from this, NitroV, 8670, 80crv2, A8Mod, and maybe 1V
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My newest chopper I'm working on of various lengths.... The model is called "No Sizzle"

Comfortable grip, and hits Hard!

I still have to clean it up, add my flared front lanyard tube, still some light handle contour finalizing, and etch.....

Very Impressed so far, really Chops
I'm going to make a bunch
Very Hossom-esque handle. Like it a lot.
Very Hossom-esque handle. Like it a lot.

Jerry Hossom? Thanks. I'm not super familiar with his work, but I'll research him more..... :D

I'd say my design style for THIS knife (visually) is a muddied mix of Wheeler, Gossman/Livesay, and Kiedaisch and other's thrown in there too. Hahha...
I'm not even sure if that is a possible Mix, but boy would That look cool.... ha.

This chopper kind of looks outside My style, it's a little "too fancy" for me.... I don't like weird looking handles, but I needed a generic handle style that I can put on my bigger blades, that are supportive for heavy chopping. It's almost "Bowie-like". I made sure the heel is long enough to extend past the palm, so it doesn't dig into the hand. I also paid attention to the hook, so it's geometry isn't biting into the pinky as Many knives are known for.

I still need to thin it down slightly, idk to what thickness? Currently it's about the thickness of a 1/4" fullsize Becker. Whick I love, but for some reason feels a bit much here on This one. It might be because the underbelly of the handle is maybe a bit Full/Tall. I might lessen that some....

Thanks, for Your interest!!!