How are your ZT 0350's holding up...?

My 0350 chipped. To be fair that was after it got dropped on the concrete. It was just odd in that the chip didn't show up until later. I've done things with my 0350 that most would cringe at the thought of, and aside from that drop, it took everything in stride. To give you an idea, I have impact marks from a hammer on the spine of my blade and the pommel. Said act also involved mortar and a good amount of resharpening, but no chips through all that oddly enough.

I find myself wanting a new knife lately though. Something a bit more EDC friendly while still being super tough.

What makes the 0350 not so EDC friendly for you? Weight and width?
They don't work for me outdoors. Too slippery in the rain, too hot in the summer, and painfully cold in the winter.

Are you leaving them out on the hood of a black truck before use? :p

I'm one state away from you and love all Ti handles.
I carried a Cryo while ice fishing and even dropped it in the ice and forgot about it. I couldn't tell a difference between the handle temperature before and after dropping it. Granted, I probably couldn't feel my fingers.