Jerry Seinfeld on carrying Swiss Army Knife

When I got out of the army, I promised myself that I wouldn't even run across the street!
I use to jog pretty regular, but developed something of a bum knee, why I don't know, but when I try to run my kneecaps get really sore so there's that 🤷🤪
I use to jog pretty regular, but developed something of a bum knee, why I don't know, but when I try to run my kneecaps get really sore so there's that 🤷🤪
In 1992, I was running to my car in the very large parking lot where I used to work. It was a lull in a thunder storm and it let up for a moment. I got halfway there and it felt like a 9mm hit my right knee. Almost dropped me to the asphalt. Knee swelled up and I couldn't walk on it. Doc sent me for an MRI, and I had torn my meniscus cartilage. Arthroscopic surgery and 6 weeks later I was fine, but the orthopedic surgeon said some interesting things. One was, he saw lots of premature wear from all the morning runs we did in the army. He said I would have trouble later in life because of that. Second was, he said man's skeletal structure was not meant for long running. It was meant for long walking, then some low crawling, then a short sprint and chuck a spear into something. He said he does a number of knees every week in surgery, and they are all runners or ex runners.

Last year I had my whole right knee replaced. It's now all stainless steel and titanium. Still feels weird but it doesn't hurt like it used to. But save yourself some future problems and don't jog. Go for a long brisk walk and save the wear and tear on your knees. 30 years from now you will thank me when you don't need a knee replacement. Knee replacements a mutha to get over. Long painful rehab, and it's never the same again. The ortho surgeon that did my knee replacement said the same thing as the surgeon that did the meniscus repair in 1992. Don't jog. Walk, bicycle, swim, rowing machine, anything but jog.

That reminds me of a visit I had to an orthopedic surgeon in Miami for a job related injury while I was an LEO in South FL. He worked on the pro teams down there and had a lot of experience fixing and replacing parts. (I didn't need cutting.)

He had taken an x-ray from the torso up, and asked me if I ran aside from lifting weights, and when I told him I did, he recommended getting my cardio in a different fashion as he saw the development of spurs and nodes on my spine which might lead to aggravation later on.

I thanked him, because though I ran a couple of times weekly, I never really "loved" running. Probably saved me some grief over the ensuing years.

Truth is, pretty much any repetitive cardio, even the non-pounding sort, (like on my Concept2 Rower), can lead to issues with knees, elbows and joints from overuse.
Or better, walk in the nature as nature intended. Much better for your feet and you get to enjoy the nature on top of that.
I wouldn’t bicycle because that’s bad for your testisatchels.
Or better, walk in the nature as nature intended. Much better for your feet and you get to enjoy the nature on top of that.
I wouldn’t bicycle because that’s bad for your testisatchels.
Not with a proper fitting bike with a decent saddle. Think Sella sized to fit your hip bones.
You know what, I run hot and cold on Jerry Seinfeld. On one hand, a great entertainer. On the other hand, he can be kind of pretentious, and that shows up a little from time to time in the video.
I love this video though- it's interesting to see what he likes. He's a guy with an obvious appreciation for qualities of stuff, and he's put some thought into it.

I liked his thoughts on the SAK, and I loved his sentiments regarding picking the things you want to waste your time on.
There was a lot of good stuff in there. Marcus Aurelius meditations were pretty cool too. Love to see people from history dealing with the same issues we have today.
In 1992, I was running to my car in the very large parking lot where I used to work. It was a lull in a thunder storm and it let up for a moment. I got halfway there and it felt like a 9mm hit my right knee. Almost dropped me to the asphalt. Knee swelled up and I couldn't walk on it. Doc sent me for an MRI, and I had torn my meniscus cartilage. Arthroscopic surgery and 6 weeks later I was fine, but the orthopedic surgeon said some interesting things. One was, he saw lots of premature wear from all the morning runs we did in the army. He said I would have trouble later in life because of that. Second was, he said man's skeletal structure was not meant for long running. It was meant for long walking, then some low crawling, then a short sprint and chuck a spear into something. He said he does a number of knees every week in surgery, and they are all runners or ex runners.

Last year I had my whole right knee replaced. It's now all stainless steel and titanium. Still feels weird but it doesn't hurt like it used to. But save yourself some future problems and don't jog. Go for a long brisk walk and save the wear and tear on your knees. 30 years from now you will thank me when you don't need a knee replacement. Knee replacements a mutha to get over. Long painful rehab, and it's never the same again. The ortho surgeon that did my knee replacement said the same thing as the surgeon that did the meniscus repair in 1992. Don't jog. Walk, bicycle, swim, rowing machine, anything but jog.
I had a doctor a long while back tell me of a friend he had who was a marathon runner always ran them and when he wasn't running a marathon he was training for them, the doctor told his friend that all of this will lead to early arthritis in the knee from the excess wear on the ligaments and cartilage if he didn't take it easy
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Think I'm going to have to look into this transcendental meditation stuff that he practices.
The "qualified instructor" sessions I found were around $1400. Too rich for my blood, which sucks because another celebrity I really admire (Rick Rubin) swears by the same type of meditation. I just bought his book instead.
Somewhere in my house I have a copy of the book,  Qunintessence, by Betty Cornfield. Good coffee table book. Until recently Seinfeld wore a Breitling Aerospace, later an Aerospace Emergency. I liked seeing that on his wrist as I frequently wore a 1996 Aerospace (until having to get it overhauled in Switzerland -- still waiting on my watch, Georges Kern 😲) but the Cosmonaute is a nice pick on his part.

Oh, I wrote my undergrad thesis with several BiC Crystals on yellow legal pads, before typing them up on an IBM Selectric.

Seinfeld, as a person, I don't like. And I don't like his stand up either. But his T.V. work I like.

Not that any of this matters. We like what we like and get the work done.
