Knife give away

Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998

The American Knife Throwers Alliance has been back for 5 years now and we are looking for ways to build membership and promote knife throwing as a sport and hobby. I will give away one of my throwing knives to the person who I feel has the best idea on how they would like to see knife throwing presented in the future. What kind of new events at contest? New targets? How to get more folks involved etc? The knife that I have chosen is my model # 12 which can be seen at my web site below. I will pick a winner in two weeks. Good luck.

Bobby Branton

AKTI member #1000
President South Carolina Association of Knifemakers
President American Knife Throwers Alliance
If anything I would like to see knife throwing publicized on television,
as for targets and routines, I suggest maybe moving targets or spinning target, these may already be an option but I dont really know. Also maybe use more things than knives in your contests, like the cold steel torpedos, or hatchets and tomahawks. Or javelins, or spears, As for other events I suggest maybe have a contest where you throw more than one knife at a time at a target, like the more you can throw and hit you win (like 10 at a time)
Also have timed contests, like give a person 1 minute to throw objects at a bullseye and whoever throws the most and hits the target wins.......
These may already be events at contests but as I said earlier, I have never been to a knife throwing contest and dont know the rules and events........

You already know my feelings on promoting the sport, as are you I am open to anything non-destructive that will bring in more folks. I also have to disqualify myself from this contest as always. Maybe I can get my wife to submit for a chance at that 15+ inch, 22 once man-sized Branton bowie!!!

Really though folks, Bobby won't say this himself but the #12 is around 75 bucks if I remember correctly and has the quality and durability to go the distance over a lifetime. Pat Minter has won at least one National AKTA championship with this very knife.

Best of luck
Tim makes a great point, we want anyone who attends one of our events to feel safe and know that we have taken every safety percaution. We take safety very serious. I do not normally hype my knives but my model # 12 has been used to win at least 4 National championsips by Pat Minter and David Smith has won a couple of contest with it also. I have used it to place anywhere from 5th thru 2nd place in major competions. It is a great knife and will give you a lifetime of service. Mickey77 has us off to a great start. Lets keep em coming.

Bobby Branton

AKTI member #1000
President South Carolina Association of Knifemakers
President American Knife Throwers Alliance

[This message has been edited by Knifeslinger (edited 03-26-2000).]
I don't know if this has been tried before or is a common practice, but how about having contests at Blackpowder shooting rendezvous or Renaissance festivals. You can also try Cowboy Action Shooting matches.

The people that attend these meets/festivals are obviously into old world style things and knife throwing contests have been conducted for a few hundred years (I think
) Setting up contests would get people who probably have never seen a knife thrown by a knowledgeable person into the sport. You could also give a knife throwing seminar to those in attendance. Teaching both how to throw and proper safety.

You also could give demonstrations on throwing other objects such as axes/hatchets, playing cards, pens, or anything else that will stick.

Another thing would be try to set up a small exhibition at archery matches. Competitors and spectators are no doubt into edged things that fly, so why not throwing knives too?

As far as different targets go, how about setting up unusual things tied to your backstop. A few I can think of right off the top of my head would be playing cards, balloons, raw eggs, cigarettes, marshmallows, a picture of President Clinton
, etc.

Also maybe have something tied to a pendulum type of device and try to hit it and pin it to the backstop.

The idea is to get people excited about the sport, because like any other sport, in any given group, you will get a few people to try it out and one of those people just might be the future world champion.

Just some thoughts,hopefully a new idea or two.

C.O.'s-"It takes balls to work behind the walls "

[This message has been edited by Jailhack (edited 03-27-2000).]
i would say like many others are saying have throwing events, also maybe include other things like mock fights (padded tomahawks, knives thriwing stuff)kind of like this group "combat club" that's on campuse here at ISU. they make padded swords out of pvc and camping foam and beat the crap out of eachother. (no head shots). so in 1 word. DIVERSIFY
Make it the same as IPSC or IDPA shooting contests - but with Throwing Knives, Hawks and Stars...
Of course promotions is the key to any venture - you gotta promote it hard. A slot on ESPN 2 would go a long way.
Increase membership and promote the sport?

How about doing demonstrations at Hunting/Outdoor shows? Or find out when local Rod & Gun clubs have their days to promote membership and try to piggy-back on those?

Thanks for the contest!

How about a poster campaign proclaiming knife throwing as the next OLYMPIC sport? You know, clean cut handsome young people with good teeth and honest smiles posing with their athletic gear and obviously expensive throwing knives poised attractively in front of a target, beautiful California country club scenery in the background. No youth gangs here! Prep school all the way.
I have to agree with the previous statements.

Exposure is the key. Knife throwing should be promoted at outdoor shows, state fairs, gun club events, archery tournaments, and such.At gun or outdoorshows use scantily clad young women to attract attention. Sell, sell, sell...

Promote the benefits of knife throwing. Make it a more social event. Start leagues and teams. Get them to meet regularly. Sponsor events. Give away freebies, and prizes to get people involved and then hooked. Get kids involved, teach and promote safety. Offer free seminars to the kids at outdoor events.
Promote this as an outdoor skill.

Get TV air time. One good way is to promote a charitable event. Say, hold a marathon for a worthy cause.. Save the Children for example.. get people to pledge for the number of hits per hour that someone can throw or something. That might get some interest at least on local TV or on ESPN2 or something. This is a technique similar to one used by karate schools to promote themselves.

Again, get kids involved.. as kids come, their parents will follow...
Well, as impossible as it sounds, I think the key is going to be to un-demonize the sport. Most people who watch me throw knives or 'hawks wind up asking me the usual rasher of mildly paranoid questions, like:

"So, what's the point? I mean, when will you use a skill like this?"

"Planning to kill someone?"

"Wow, they make you use safety scissors at the office, don't they?"

And the like. People still associate knives and knife-throwing with hoodlums and villainy. They forget that it has a historical background, is good exercise, and is just doggone, plain FUN.

So, I guess my idea would be to try slowly insinuating it into more of mainstream America. Maybe try starting a small match at the company picnic. Or, Gods forbid, talk to neighborhood folks, and maybe organize a match for the teenagers in the area (after a good long bout of teaching, for this one!!!). Maybe a small demonstration in a public park (again, as with any potentially dangerous sport, this would have to be carefully orchestrated for safety, above all).

Just anything to get folks to realize that normal folks, without any violent intent, can enjoy a sport that our ancestors have found both useful and enjoyable since the knife was invented.

An optimist thinks he lives in the best of all possible worlds...a pessimist is sure of it.
Thats more like it, we are getting some great feedback. We have tried a lot of these suggestions and have gotten positive reactions.
We are slowly we are making headway. Keep em coming and thanks.

Bobby Branton

AKTI member #1000
President South Carolina Association of Knifemakers
President American Knife Throwers Alliance

[This message has been edited by Knifeslinger (edited 03-30-2000).]
A few other thoughts: look within your own ranks and study the demographic.

Find out among your current members what other interests or hobbies that they have. conduct surveys, etc.

Then use that information to help promotion. In other words, if 60% of your throwers also like Truck & Tractor pulls, then set up a booth at the next Truck & Tractor pull.

Maybe have a knife manufacturer or local club sponsor a NASCAR driver. Put a big sticker on his car with a really cool logo. Make people wonder what it's all about.

Then try local Cable Access TV. In most places, if you ask you local CATV station to play a video, they usuall will, unless it's pornographic, etc.

Have some of your members videotape an event, and maybe ask the local community college Communications class to add some pizzazz to the video. Then have your members request that it be broadcast locally. Include a "how to get started" section in the sport and stress the safety aspects. A lot of local accsss CATV stations are always looking for content.

Good luck,

In my humble opinion the best way to spread the word about throwing knives and the sport of throwing them, is to hold something like a gun show but with throwing knives. Also hold training seminars, and have school dedicated to just the art of throwing knives. Thanks. Geoff.

I am the way the truth and the life no man shall come to the father but by me. John 14:6

The word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are. Hebrews 4:12

One more: call your local Adult Education organizer. Many high schools run Adult Ed at night. Offer a free/low cost class on getting started. Provide materials (ie, knives) that they can use to keep it cheap.

Virtually every area has some sort of local festival, and the organizers are usually always looking for interesting events to add to the card. A knife/Tomahawk throwing contest is a good one to add because it is simple to set up and it is quickly done. Our own Loggers festival contains such an event.
The key to getting it to grow is continuing to stage the event year by year. Once people see how fun and harmless it actually is, the event will continue to gain members. I have seen this happen here.

As for the contest event, it is one that I would like to see here. It is a standard Poker Shoot format. A deck of cards is pinned up against a backstop in random pattern so that you can see all of the cards and you can pick your card to throw at. Each person gets five throws at the board, and the cards he/she hits constitutes that person's poker hand. High hand wins a prize. Big fun, I'm gonna try to get it going myself.
Folks, this is the first time I’ve ever visited your Forum, and that’s not because I’m not fascinated about throwing knives, I am. I’ve been throwing my knives into things since I was a kid and saw Davy Crockett do it in the Disney movie. I broke a lot of knives as a kid because they weren’t made to be thrown. While I was in the Navy on board ship I actually had an inexpensive knife that was made for throwing and I had a ball with it, until one day it bounced off the target and went overboard.

I think the two fastest ways to popularize your sport are;
If there is ever a Movie that shows Knife Throwing in an exciting or positive way it could catch on overnight. Look what Rambo did for Survival knives. I don’t know if you can make this happen or if will just happen on it’s own, but movies have a fast impact on our culture. If there is a movie star that’s into the sport, and is willing to promote it I think your mission would be accomplished.

Throwing knives are fun. If people start to see others having fun doing it in acceptable ways they’re going to want to try also. Kind of like Tom Sawyer and white washing the fence. So, you have to be a lot more creative to find venues where people can see and experience the fun, and you’ve had some good suggestions on where you could do that. I’m a city boy, my biggest problem would be finding a place to actually set up a target safely without getting myself arrested. I’m sure if I had a quality knife made for throwing I would find some place to do it. Or conversely, if I had the place I would have to buy myself a good throwing knife.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful with suggestions for you. All I can offer is one Newbies perspective on your sport. I will probably be back to your Forum and watch with interest on what develops. I’ve got a long list of knives I want to buy, I must admit a throwing knife isn’t on it right now. That would change if I had the place to practice with one. I do wish you much success with advancing public awareness of your sport. It sure is FUN!

Bobby, I'm going to check out your site right now.


Bobby, I just visited your site, you do beautiful work. I'm very partial to makers that have learned from George Herron, do you knoe GenO Denning? It looks like three more knives for my Wish List, your Model #11 & #12 Throwers, and Top of the list with your #2 Boot knife, I would sure like to see that in stag. Thanks for bringing your work and your sport to my attention.

"Will work 4 Knives!"

[This message has been edited by PhilL (edited 03-30-2000).]
Another idea or two..

Get a celebrity involved. Feature that person
at the next event.

Or, a sillier idea..somehow get knife throwing featured in a music video...
Knife throwing on MTV ...oh, boy...
(Preferably NOT a Marilyn Manson video though
Unless the knife comes in from the edge of the screen and hits the skinny trans..just kiddin'

I believe what's most important for the furtherence of the sport of knife throwing is safety. And acts of violence should NEVER be alluded to, uh, like in the first part of my

You could put nacho cheese sauce on it...
I love the saying, "Knowledge Dispells Fear."
Having said that, I think that events that draw the public in while educating them are the best. Have a throwing competition and charge a little money for people to come watch, and donate the money to a local charity. At the throwing competition, definitely have demonstrations, both educational and fun ones. If you show a person throw knives, hawks, a CS shovel, etc., people can see how versatile the sport is while learning, which is the key. By donating the money to a local charity, not only do you help dispell the myth that knife throwers are creepy people, and the community benefits because a local charity gets some much appreciated money. I'd be sure to let all of the media know that such a competition/demonstration was going on and let them know that a charity was going to benefit. Also, involve the charity! Give them a go at throwing blades at the competition! People will see that knife throwing is a fun and safe sport, and not a crazy thing to do at all.

I think starting locally like this is the key. If this competition/demo thing was successful, it would be easy to duplicate it in other cities/towns too. T.V. would be great too. Get on local t.v., some hunting shows, outdoor adventure shows, etc. And always educate, not just show off one's throwing skills on t.v.! I'd be sure to mention the upcomming competition, and the name of the participating charioty that is going to benefit as well.

Another important thing to do would be to invite people/groups to see what you do and try their hand. Invite boyscouts out or ask newspaper reporters to come out and try the sport.

Always educating, reaching out and being proactive, and keeping things fun will do the trick. It is important to build awareness, as I'm sure few people know what knife throwing is all about. Reach out to the people, make it fun and make it educational and I feel that knife throwing will flourish!

"Come What May..."