Photos Knives and tea, pix thread

Decaf - what's that? Is that anything like tea. LOL!

Just messing with you. I would probably benefit from some of that myself. :)

I do get adventurous and mix one regular tea bag and one decaf bag when i make a pot sometimes. The taste is definitely noticeable.

what is your brew of choice .. Earl Grey , Orange Pekoe, Instant coffee>?

I do get adventurous and mix one regular tea bag and one decaf bag when i make a pot sometimes. The taste is definitely noticeable.

what is your brew of choice .. Earl Grey , Orange Pekoe, Instant coffee>?
English Breakfast has been my favorite for several years now, but I recently tried a black loose leaf tea that one of my wife’s friends brought back from China as a gift. I really like it so I’m starting to branch out and try some new ones.

one of the tea when I'm in travel in the coach - if the train takes longer than 3 hours
another type will be jasmine tea
if the train is in the morning: Earl Grey,
otherwise, jasmine tea.

one of the tea when I'm in travel in the coach - if the train takes longer than 3 hours
another type will be jasmine tea
if the train is in the morning: Earl Grey,
otherwise, jasmine tea.
Do you regularly ride a train - like commute on one? That’s pretty cool. I like the knife, too - I haven’t seen one like that before.
Do you regularly ride a train - like commute on one? That’s pretty cool. I like the knife, too - I haven’t seen one like that before.
regularly - yes, but not really like commute, just business travel once a month.
for leisure, I do prefer train first as well.

The knife is Le Thiers, you may refer to the posts in Traditional Folders and Fixed Blades section, or to be specific, I learned and see many beautiful traditional knives in this post
Some new tea, and a new infuser arrived! I finally found an infuser I like, that has room for the tea to open (which people tell me is important) that also does not taste like metal. I like the clear glass because I can watch the tea do its thing, but I can also use the infuser in any other mug as well.

This is my first puerh tea, and I like it, even if I still don’t know how to pronounce it. :) After a few cups I’ve found I like 0.5 grams steeped for 5 minutes. It wasn’t cheap at $48 for 2 ounces, but only using 0.5 grams per cup works out to just under 43 cents per cup.

I’d have to look back through this thread to remember which one of you recommended weighing out the tea for consistency, but thank you. That was a great idea.



Knife, mug, tea, leatherwork... there's a lot to like in that picture!
Thank you sir! Big belt order for a wedding. Twelve basket stamped belts each a different individual size. Then there was another like it that was a separate order and also another order for a completely different type of belt too. Been kinda beltdacious around here lately!
I've been drinking A LOT of mint (peppermint) tea lately. Mint tea is always my base, and then I'll add other stuff to it depending on my mood. I'm also really enjoying Kava lately, it has a nice calming, relaxing effect that soothes anxiety. Then I have the Matcha which is a nice source of caffeine, that appears to be not as jittery as coffee. I keep all in my lunch box for whatever tickles my fancy at the time. Matcha if I want to go up, Kava if I want to go down, and mint all the way through.
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I've been drinking A LOT of mint (peppermint) tea lately. Mint tea is always my base, and then I'll add other stuff to it depending on my mood. I'm also really enjoying Kava lately, it has a nice calming, relaxing effect that soothes anxiety. Then I have the Matcha which is a nice source of caffeine, that appears to be not as jittery as coffee. I keep all in my lunch box for whatever tickles my fancy at the time. Matcha if I want to go up, Kava if I want to go down, and mint all the way through.
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I googled Matcha and Kava and learned something - thank you. Does the Matcha taste like regular brewed green tea, or is it different as a powder? I read a little on how it's made and how that differs from traditional teas - it said they remove the stems and leaf veins to make it a powder so that cuts down on any bitterness. I've never thought of green tea as being bitter to start with.
I googled Matcha and Kava and learned something - thank you. Does the Matcha taste like regular brewed green tea, or is it different as a powder? I read a little on how it's made and how that differs from traditional teas - it said they remove the stems and leaf veins to make it a powder so that cuts down on any bitterness. I've never thought of green tea as being bitter to start with.
Yeah, i've been a fan of Matcha lately. I don't think regular green tea is bitter either, however Matcha does have a different flavor and texture. Matcha is known to have a 'creamy' taste, which is weird sounding for just ground up tea leaves, however it really kind of does. The label on mine says that it has an 'umami' taste. I like it because it seems like a really clean source of caffeine, in a delicious form, and I have the power to choose exactly how much caffeine will be in the drink. Sometimes I'll just stick the tip of my knife in the powder and put that pea sized bit into my hot water. Other times I'll use a teaspoon or more. It's known to have a less jittery caffeine boost, and I'd agree with that.

However, Kava is my main thing lately (that and mint tea). It gives me a nice relaxed, calming headspace, and I can measure exactly how much I want of that too. Traditionally you would put it in a cheesecloth bag and squeeze it and ring it out a bunch in your water to prepare it. However now days you can get micronized, or instant kava. Micronized is ground super thinly so that you can just mix it in with hot water, instant is where they prepare a huge batch of kava the traditional way, and then dehydrate that kava, and you're left with a brown powder, which stirs into water very easily, easier than micronized. But yea, I'd recommend both.
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Yeah, i've been a fan of Matcha lately. I don't think regular green tea is bitter either, however Matcha does have a different flavor and texture. Matcha is known to have a 'creamy' taste, which is weird sounding for just ground up tea leaves, however it really kind of does. The label on mine says that it has an 'umami' taste. I like it because it seems like a really clean source of caffeine, in a delicious form, and I have the power to choose exactly how much caffeine will be in the drink. Sometimes I'll just stick the tip of my knife in the powder and put that pea sized bit into my hot water. Other times I'll use a teaspoon or more. It's known to have a less jittery caffeine boost, and I'd agree with that.

However, Kava is my main thing lately (that and mint tea). It gives me a nice relaxed, calming headspace, and I can measure exactly how much I want of that too. Traditionally you would put it in a cheesecloth bag and squeeze it and ring it out a bunch in your water to prepare it. However now days you can get micronized, or instant kava. Micronized is ground super thinly so that you can just mix it in with hot water, instant is where they prepare a huge batch of kava the traditional way, and then dehydrate that kava, and you're left with a brown powder, which stirs into water very easily, easier than micronized. But yea, I'd recommend both.
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I’ve read that there is a difference between caffeine molecules in tea vs. coffee, and that caffeine from tea is absorbed by the body slower, resulting in less jitteriness.

Nice knife - I haven’t seen one like that before!
$0.02 of opinion on matcha taste, at least as presented in Costco's Ito En tea bags, is a very grassy flavor at a strength a few significant notches above my usual el-cheapo green tea bags. Matcha in Japan was a whole separate experience, particularly when presented in the tea ceremony. Even the shorter stripped down tourist version of the ceremony was an elevated experience.


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I’ve read that there is a difference between caffeine molecules in tea vs. coffee, and that caffeine from tea is absorbed by the body slower, resulting in less jitteriness.

Nice knife - I haven’t seen one like that before!
Hmmm, that's interesting, I've never heard that! Makes sense.

Thanks man, it's pretty old school. In fact, I think that it was one of the first modern style one hand opening 'tactical' knives. In fact, it's called the A.G. Russell One-Hand Knife.
Happy New Knife Monday!

In a steel discussion thread a month or so ago I mentioned I did not have a knife in AEB-L but would like to try one someday. Wild Willie Wild Willie reached out and offered to loan me one! There are some great guys hanging around in Blade Forums (or is it “on” Blade Forums…). He mailed me a David Mary David Mary knife in AEB-L. I test drove it for a couple weeks and liked it so when I mailed it back home, I ordered myself a knife in AEB-L and this is what I ended up with! It’s flawless and will be my go-to EDC fixed blade for a long time to come.

