Photos Knives in Trees II


I certainly miss swinging around the top of a hundred foot Tulip tree........Nice little Cottonwood you're in there..
Lousy weed it is, that and itchy ball trees aka sweet gum......Never trust a branch of any size to stand on from either species.....

I always enjoy your pics.. Lets me relive my youth a bit..😉
Thanks for sharing them👍
Thank you. I've not encountered a sweet gum (a bit far north for it). I was pretty happy that cottonwood was away from anything major. Otherwise it would have necessitated climbing out of the bucket to take the top.
... and a frozen Wooden Wednesday...

Come on everybody! Beat that winter funk and post a pic of your knife in or on a tree!

We've been a bit slow... Truck's down with some sort of electrical issue, once we get cutting again I'll be sure to post up.