New Year Giveaway, a blacked out Para 2

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I’m in. thank you for your generosity! Our family visited the wettest place on earth right before Christmas. Kauai, Hawaii.
Hello friends, how are your new years?

Thanks to some generous forum members, I'm happy to give away this light user para 2, black G10 handle, black blade, S30V blade. Comes with its original box.

Giveaway ends Friday 13th at 8PM eastern time, I'll pull a name with the random name wheel. Winner will be contacted promptly, if I don't hear from you in an hour, I will draw a new name. Someone asked me before about shipping international, I have no problem unless it's a super restrictive country.

Post an "I'm in" followed by something you did during 2022 holiday season that you want to share with everyone.

Take care and hope you have a great start to the year. Next holiday (at least for me) is memorial day, so pace those vacation days lol.
Dang, I’m in!

Holidays … gifted a personalized Leatherman to a cousin who just went off to school and cousin seemed to appreciate it.
I’m in. I managed our small farm while the rest of the family went to the Oregon Coast. It was relaxing.
I'm in!
Over the holidays I finally had the time to build a kydex press and I'm really looking forward to finally receive the parcel with the kydex sheaths to test the press
I'm In!
Spent time with my family. My sister, her husband and two year old came to town. It was good to see everyone.
I'm in. But I'm also in Australia so that might break the bank. In which case I am not in.

New years eve I played gellball. (Which is our version of airsoft) until the early hours.

And possibly one of the best new years eve activities I have done.
I'm in. I did nothing, and traveled nowhere, but that also means I didn't get stuck at the airport or lose my luggage on a flight I didn't catch. My bother is coming to visit at the end of the month though.

Great giveaway, and thanks for the chance!
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