Preorder CLOSED; CPK HDFK Sheaths


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
Hi folks,
as in the past, this preorder thread isn't really a preorder thread. I don't want your money until I've pretty much finished out this batch of sheaths, but I do want your solid commitment to follow through should you decide to post here and claim one. If you're not sure yet, please don't make a post saying you're in.

This sheath will be made from 9ish oz veg tan leather with a hot waxed finish. There will be an option for dyeing for an additional $15. The sheath will have mounting holes compatible with Tecloc, (.75" spacing) and other aftermarket clips, however it will come with a detachable belt loop designed specifically for the sheath. The stitching will be double row, waxed polyester Tiger thread. These will be hand stitched for maximum durability and repairability. I stand behind my work, so if there are issues with your sheath at any time, I will help you out.

Pricing will be $185, plus shipping and payment will be via Paypal Goods and Services.

The maximum number of sheaths will be 14.

The following friends have laid claim;

ferider ferider
PolRoger PolRoger
Tensegrity Tensegrity ---Black
coolbreezy37 coolbreezy37
Comprehensivist Comprehensivist
Gusbuster Gusbuster
Ajack60 Ajack60
Jsega51 Jsega51
prom52 prom52
SneezySky SneezySky - black
trevitrace trevitrace
mb> mb>
C calaska

this is sort of what they will look like. I haven't developed the belt loop attachment, and will update this post when I do.




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I got the prototype squared away, so now it's on to some testing. There will be some minor changes, so what will be produced is going to be different than this one. But you get the idea. The leather I use for prototypes is not a nice as the ones I use for production- the production leather is nicely milled and is a little more dense, with a more consistent thickness.

a little thicker than kydex, but a smaller footprint!


I'll carry this around for a few days, and then it's time to make templates.
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Looking good so far...:thumbsup:

I'm also kind of curious to see how the detachable belt loop (add on) is going to turn out and integrate with the sheath?
Just updated the OP with important infos, please reread it!
I'm in as well! :)

Also, I'm not sure about the natural waxed vs. a brown or black dyed option just yet?
However, I do like the natural waxed EDC2 sheath that I received from you earlier this year. :thumbsup:
I'm in as well! :)

Also, I'm not sure about the natural waxed vs. a brown or black dyed option just yet?
However, I do like the natural waxed EDC2 sheath that I received from you earlier this year. :thumbsup:
no need to make a decision yet, there's plenty of time
You know what, put me in as well. It only makes sense to have a hand made leather sheath by the same person who is partially responsible for a knife I hold so near and near.
You know what, put me in as well. It only makes sense to have a hand made leather sheath by the same person who is partially responsible for a knife I hold so near and near.
when I design a knife, I also think about how it would be carried. I can't really design the sheath until the knife exists, but the idea for what the sheath would be is always there almost from the beginning.
I'm glad you see the connection there, and value it. It's pretty important, to me at least. Plus, the HDFK is one of my favourite knives of all time.
Although these sheaths are plain looking, my goal with this one is to make the best leather sheath for the HDFK that you can get.
when I design a knife, I also think about how it would be carried. I can't really design the sheath until the knife exists, but the idea for what the sheath would be is always there almost from the beginning.
I'm glad you see the connection there, and value it. It's pretty important, to me at least. Plus, the HDFK is one of my favourite knives of all time.
Although these sheaths are plain looking, my goal with this one is to make the best leather sheath for the HDFK that you can get.
Simple, beautiful and functional. That’s really all you need. I personally feel one of the best knives ever made needs the best sheath. I love the fact it’s both old and new school. Old school and timeless leather with new school kydex like retention and attachment capabilities. The fact that you’re so personally involved in the fruition of this knife just makes it that much better. The look and demonstration of the sheath just oozes quality. 👍.
I am in Lorien.

Your leather work in always lean without any excess bulk. That fact along with the built in aged patina look to the leather really appeals to me.

the HDFK is one of my all time favourite knives, (pretty sure I've said that before lol) and one of the reasons why is because it is about the maximum size I can comfortably carry iwb. That's important to me, because the place where I do most of my hiking, (not ironically called Broom Hill) sees a fair amount of human traffic and I don't want people freaking out because of some guy walking around with a knife, so shoving it down my pants is a go to move.

This time of year especially- right now, the invasive scotch broom plant blooms, and it's the best time to cut it. It's a fibrous, tough plant whose stems can be up to about 3" in diameter.

The HDFK has just enough mass and just enough reach to deal with most of these plants. I like to carry my knife in hand, so my sheath design allows for that. The handle protrudes enough so that I can keep a firm grip on that handle. The reason I appreciate this aspect of the knife is because I can sheath the knife easily as I'm going from one plant to the other, keeping myself safe from the edge.


While the Mashed Cat kydex sheath exemplifies perfection for a sheath made from that material for this knife, the plastic doesn't feel good in the hand, and feels even worse tucked into the waistband. To me, at least. I won't say my leather sheath is better, but it is different and it's tuned to what I appreciate in a sheath for this particular knife.
Looks great Lorien! I’m in. Dig the aged look. If you have any scarred hide, that would be awesome. I think it will look great with ECAM scales.
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Looks great Lorien! I’m in. Dig the aged look. If you have any scarred hide, that would be awesome. I think it look great with ECAM scales.
the hide I have is very clean, quality stuff and I don't think there's much in the way of scarring but I'll keep my eye out for that. I'd like to start carving and embellishing one of these days, and if you want I can try and create a scar? Might be fun. I'll be working on a production prototype soon, (I started making the templates today) and I might try some carving/embossing on it. I should probably get a swivel knife together here one of these days

there is now a list in the OP of all you fine gentlemen, which helps me keep track. If you make any custom request; dye, left handed, embossed, etc. I'll post them there
Hey Lorien, I’d like to jump in on this order, I love your design leaving the handle of the knife quite accessible!