Random Thought Thread

Keep learning new stuff about this truck everyday. It’s got something called BLIS. The little blind spot light that comes on on your side mirror when a car is next to you, now comes on when there’s a car besides the trailer 30 feet behind me. Pretty effing cool! Nathan, it’s time to upgrade to a new powerstroke buddy.
How absolutely ridiculous is that sh#%

It reminds me of a vid that popped up in the feed on YouTube this weekend. It was about a British couple that was visiting Texas and while there went to a gun range/store. They fired a .22lr pistol and an AR, then commented about how crazy it was that the store that sells firearms as a business just had so many of them hanging on the walls.
After remarking about how cool it was to fire the guns they talked about how they can’t do any of this at home and how crazy it is here, like we’re the crazy ones!
Crazy is jobbing out your safety to an unarmed Police force that’ll show up 30 minutes after the home invasion is over, so that they can remove your corpse, after you’ve been shot, or stabbed, or beaten to a pulp with an axe handle.
As they ban pointed kitchen knives and move to melee weapons I wonder if golfers will eventually need a permit to buy their clubs. Maybe they’ll be required to be a member of a country club and be forced to store them there under lock and key.
How sickening. The people that probably shouldn’t be running a Government, and that probably shouldn’t be trusted with the power of a thermonuclear weapon, think that you can’t be trusted with an inch and a half blade that’d mostly be used to clean under your fingernails.
I watched the same video.

They weren't saying it was crazy in a bad way. They were referring to what a different culture it is here in the United States. They even talked about how fun it was to fire the .22 pistol and ar15.

This nonsense about outlawing knives, etc. is ridiculous. You can't keep people from violent acts if they're determined to commit them. There's no speaking logic to those that want to pass laws based on emotion or political grandstanding, though.

There really isn't much to debate about firearms if you look at the hard data and perform an actual factor analysis rather than a cherry picked statistical analysis.
man, I'm starting to feel like maybe a worm ate part of my brain and then died inside my head. Can't figure out whether it died from brain poisoning, or if it was just an old worm that died from natural causes
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