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Bad Scammer Alert Jonakee Reynolds (David Freeman) Dmitry Sinkevich Carcass #02

If the victims could coordinate to pay for a legal recovery effort, there are private investigators for stolen property. I saw one site called, "Trustify". It's probably not cheap, but the investigators are liscensed, and can also testify in court, if the victims want to push through and exercise every legal option to prosecute the perpetrator.
Illegal options are dangerous and even more expensive, innocent people could get hurt, and the victims could wind up with more serious charges than the thief.
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The kid hangs out with other bad kids. he probably gets a knife and gives it to one of them. he has openly said in the DDR thread that his parents dont care.
For the record, I did not use Google or any other search engine.
Speaking of Google, I punched the address you provided into Google Maps and got a patch of desert, no buildings at all.
So starting from Servilleta Plaza, I found a website that shows Servilleta Plaza at this latitudinal/longitudinal location: 36.4297420, -105.9814075
The images shows a string of ranches located within 5 miles of "LaMadera" (one word), NM. They stretch from HWY 341/HWY 519 all the way until HWY 341 becomes HWY 261.
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with a name and address and some shipping evidence emails and such.... i would think the postal inspectors would do something. they usually don't let mail fraud be ignored.
They know what is going on I spoke the the supervisor that is handling that specific post office branch, there was many complaints they know ! They just don't care. You can't even get address for that po box even with the police report, to file charges.
That supervisor isn't necessarily the postal inspector correct? Or, if they are, is there someone else, another postal inspector throught USPS.com perhaps, that can be contacted to file a complaint?
It would probably be good to call that post office when they open and just talk to the Clerk just to remind her abou the little shit and that he is scaming people since he mentioned to me once that she knows him well.
Also don't forget to file the claim with ic3 . I can provide you with two similar claims about that po box and Jonakee Reynolds that were already filed.
The kid hangs out with other bad kids. he probably gets a knife and gives it to one of them. he has openly said in the DDR thread that his parents dont care.

That he's "trading" knifes? They likely know that much. That he's ripping off people for thousands of dollars? No way they know that. He's not telling them that. They seem far too upstanding to let that slide. He might be telling them he's making some great deals, or taking advantage of somebody who needs money badly and lowballing them, but no way is he telling them he's flat out committing mail fraud repeatedly. You can't trust the little punk anyway, so until somebody speaks to his folks who knows what he told them- if anything?
And do what?

Maybe talk to them face to face? (local police/etc.)
I know you take it as a threat, and you may be right, but it doesn't have to be.

exactly. when i was a leo i found that when a victim of a crime goes to the ao of the perp and does some up close and personal investigation/complaint filing things get taken REALLY SERIOUSLY.

no violence...only affirmative action.
exactly. when i was a leo i found that when a victim of a crime goes to the ao of the perp and does some up close and personal investigation/complaint filing things get taken REALLY SERIOUSLY.

no violence...only affirmative action.
Thank you.
Jonakee will probably get the justice that he so dearly deserves, after he crosses one of his own gang members.
Folding knife theft victims should always be filing any legal complaints that are possible through the internet.
Taking a long trip to file complaints in person with the local authorities, can’t be too cost effective.
Tech savvy victims might even be able to hack him, and scam him at his own game.
well...i'm retired and it is getting close to motorcycle riding weather....true tho. however it's handled as long as he gets nabbed and the vics get restitution it's cool.
That supervisor isn't necessarily the postal inspector correct? Or, if they are, is there someone else, another postal inspector throught USPS.com perhaps, that can be contacted to file a complaint?

The Postal Inspectors are a separate group of postal employees. They are a tenacious lot. If I was the victim of mail fraud I'd contact them directly, I wouldn't bother trying to go through a local postal service supervisor.


Electronic Crimes (18 USC 1029, 1030, 1037, 1343, 2701)
Inspectors protect postal customers from fraud schemes and other crimes that may occur online and involve the misuse of the mail or of the Postal Service. This includes using or selling stolen or counterfeit access devices, such as credit card numbers; using protected computers without proper authority or exceeding authorized access; using computer communications in a scheme to defraud; using a false identity when sending commercial e-mails to mislead or deceive recipients, as with spam; and unauthorized access to communications that are stored electronically via a communications service.

There are 2 Federal law enforcement agencies which one doesn't want to run afoul of, the U.S. Marshals Service and the USPS Postal Inspectors investigators.
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