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Bad Scammer Alert Jonakee Reynolds (David Freeman) Dmitry Sinkevich Carcass #02

well...i'm retired and it is getting close to motorcycle riding weather....true tho. however it's handled as long as he gets nabbed and the vics get restitution it's cool.
Here in our USA, the authorities would probably just give Jonakee, a baby blanket and pacifier. Where I’m at now in the Brazilian interior, the Military Police would just beat him until he confesssd.
While Brazil is tough at the beginning of the arrest, even most murderers stay only months in jail.
It is a different system of justice that they deem “more humane”.
With a sale, yes. With a trade, PayPal has nothing to do with it
Actually it has been discussed (perhaps even in this thread) that a safe way to trade is to pay each other the same amount for the items, losing on fees in exchange for a safe transaction.
While I see the merits of that the issue is that sometimes people are looking to trade due to the fact they lack sufficient funds to outright buy.
While I see the merits of that the issue is that sometimes people are looking to trade due to the fact they lack sufficient funds to outright buy.

Right, I see the merit also. Might be fine for production knives and users where the prices are lower but it starts become a different story when the knife prices are $7-800 and beyond for example.
While I see the merits of that the issue is that sometimes people are looking to trade due to the fact they lack sufficient funds to outright buy.
If you're making unsecured trades when it comes to high end, hundreds-of-dollars knives... you cray :rolleyes:
Trading is dangerous. I would only consider it if I received the trade item first, in order to confirm satisfaction. If you can’t control the trade, you are often risking a total loss.
If you're making unsecured trades when it comes to high end, hundreds-of-dollars knives... you cray :rolleyes:
I am not arguing that but I am not speaking entirely for my self.

Trading is dangerous. I would only consider it if I received the trade item first, in order to confirm satisfaction. If you can’t control the trade, you are often risking a total loss.
This however points that often to "secure" the trade you must receive goods first meaning someone isn't securing the trade as they had to send first w/o any real guarantee.

I agree held funds is best 2 way security but if funds are an issue a 2 way security is problematic but if we really want to discuss options for mutual security in a trade then we should probably make another thread so this can focus on the injustice.
I am not arguing that but I am not speaking entirely for my self.

This however points that often to "secure" the trade you must receive goods first meaning someone isn't securing the trade as they had to send first w/o any real guarantee.

I agree held funds is best 2 way security but if funds are an issue a 2 way security is problematic but if we really want to discuss options for mutual security in a trade then we should probably make another thread so this can focus on the injustice.

I don’t think that there exists a good way to trade with strangers, through the mail services.
Trading in person is best, while second best would be to trade only with members that you know and trust. Third best would be trading with long time members you haven’t met, but are full of positive feedback. Only this way can both parties have the confidence to send items at the same time.
I don’t think that there exists a good way to trade with strangers, through the mail services.
Trading in person is best, while second best would be to trade only with members that you know and trust. Third best would be trading with long time members you haven’t met, but are full of positive feedback. Only this way can both parties have the confidence to send items at the same time.
You could use a third party that you both trust. In this example, the traders would send both knives to a third party. When the third party has recieved/inspected both knives, he then sends them to their final destination.
You could use a third party that you both trust. In this example, the traders would send both knives to a third party. When the third party has recieved/inspected both knives, he then sends them to their final destination.

This has been brought up many times before and there’s a lot of negatives that can go along with this situation as well.
Got this email today:

The following message has been sent from Wordygamerdude <Superscary3@gmail.com> (IP: via the contact form at BladeForums.com.

Trying to get a page about me taken down.​

Hello, I am contacting about a forum post on this page I would like taken down. This was brought to my attention, because one of my fathers art clients found this website online through his name. I have a forum post about me on this page, with some serious unproven allegations, and misinformation. This situation happened years ago, all my communication with the people involved was done over Instagram, and it is only recently I have found out this posting exists. As you will see, I never posted any of my proof I had that I didn't scam this guy, because I wasn't aware of this thread, although we had lengthy communication via Instagram. It has been years since I was involved with the knife community to any extent. This thread also involves a lot of my own personal information, as well as that of my parents, and conflates two different people (David and I) into the same person.

From your terms of service defamatory posts as well as those which contain others personal information are not allowed, both of which are present in this thread.
"You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct."

I would really like this post to be removed, as it clearly violates the terms of service, and so I don't have this negative misinformation and all this private info of me and my family just publicized by a simple google search of my name.

I’m guessing none of you were made whole?