Three Blade Thursday

Well, I was going to wait for Black Friday, but Three Blade Thursday is just as good. I think it’s finally time for my last remaining precious to make its inaugural pocket run. I really love this knife, but if it’s gonna stay with me it needs to be a user… and it’s definitely staying with me! So, without further ado, here’s the last unused pic, and into the pocket it goes!

Well, I was going to wait for Black Friday, but Three Blade Thursday is just as good. I think it’s finally time for my last remaining precious to make its inaugural pocket run. I really love this knife, but if it’s gonna stay with me it needs to be a user… and it’s definitely staying with me! So, without further ado, here’s the last unused pic, and into the pocket it goes!

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I must have clicked on this knife 100 times when it was available on the M&G site (for a looonggg time). When I finally decided to buy it was gone. This is the one that got away for me. Such a beautiful knife!