Wallet alternatives?

"I can't understand why some people still carry those old bulky billfold wallets..

..proceeds to carry four knives, two flashlights, two guns, four mags, medkit, figet coins.."
If we didn`t - we`d feel naked - like something was missing - yes like my brain cells.
I used to be a trifold guy. Finally decided to de-bulk my wallet; so I went to this (well, the first one was leather).
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Two card slots and an extra compartment on each side, sandwiching a center section for bills. Without doubling up, it's good for 4 cards, drivers license, insurance card and some cash...but it would certainly hold more. Unfortunately, I did give in to that temptation and doubled up - adding gas/loyalty cards and who knows what else, until I noticed that it was now as bulky as my old wallet.

That's when I switched to this.
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A slab of copper as the base, it had some bulk from the start. There's a shallow channel under the strap in the back for carrying a few bills; but I didn't like using it. I carried 1 credit card, 1 debit card, my driver's license, and one more thing. (The last card varied health insurance, access card, loyalty card, whatever I was most likely to need - there just had to be a 4th card or it wasn't secure).

Lately, it's been this
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One card and my driver's license, sandwiched in a couple of bills. I like the clip itself; but I'll be going back to a wallet. The bills get sweaty, and messy (wrinkled, folded, torn) where the edges run over the sides of the cards. I could fold the bills differently; but then it would lose some convenience (for me)
I have been packing one of these around for 15 years or so and it works well.

Hyperlite Mountain Gear

Cuben is tough stuff (also known as Dyneema). It holds at least 6 cards and some cash. Very thin and light when loaded. The edges are fraying a bit.

More than a decade of wear:


People lose wallets - that's not a situation exclusive to minimalist wallets. A wallet every other month isn't a staggering number; and if there's a significantly larger number of those vs bifold/trifold styles, it may be reflective of their increasing popularity.
You could be right... but during the 3 years I've been at this site not a single traditional wallet has been turned in... it's exclusively those cardholder moneyclip things... rarely any ID or cash either, usually just credit cards, we need to run the name on the cards past property management's records, and if they don't get a hit we need to search Google to try and find contact information.
That is an excellent quality leather wallet fq55 and, like a good pair of jeans, a battered leather suitcase, some vintage boots / shoes or a good old carbon knife will only look better with age - with the patina - they show the journey and the character of the decent item.
I found my old leather bifold carried much more comfortably once I got rid of all the crap I was carrying around and didn't need (grocery store cards, receipts, etc). Driver's license, work ID, couple credit cards and some bills and it's like half the size it was. Same with keys - I have a house key and a car key and a Gerber Shard and that's it. Turns out I don't need a dozen other keys to my parents house, desk I no longer had at work, bike lock, etc.
Everyone seems to be missing the most important function of a wallet!! The ability to open a beer.!! I have been carrying this Dango for a few years and I really like it.

Everyone seems to be missing the most important function of a wallet!! The ability to open a beer.!!
I don't drink beer.
Don't need my wallet to open bourbon, just to buy it.
I picked up a couple of Dangos a few years back. Painted them with Brownell's, but never ended up using them. I should dig them out (or at least find the pictures, which would be faster since I'm not at home)
Beautiful work! But not having my cards enclosed makes me nervous, personally speaking.
Lol @ cards not enclosed.🙄 They’re enclosed on three sides. They don’t fall out. I have two of Frank’s wallets and they’re 100% legit. First rate craftsmanship and materials. Plus no old man wallet pocket bloat.

Lol @ cards not enclosed.🙄 They’re enclosed on three sides. They don’t fall out. I have two of Frank’s wallets and they’re 100% legit. First rate craftsmanship and materials. Plus no old man wallet pocket bloat.

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Yes, I said as much about his craftsmanship but I'll still never be comfortable with an open top wallet. To each his own.
Yes, I said as much about his craftsmanship but I'll still never be comfortable with an open top wallet. To each his own.
I’d be a lot more prone to having access problems and dropping stuff out of a snap top flap pocket than a very thin, very tight high quality wallet.

Searching my memory banks I don’t think I’ve ever had a wallet that had the cards enclosed on all 4 sides. 3 sides yes, and folded over aka billfold, etc, but never completely “ensconced”. Strangely enough, never had anything fall out.

You do you, playa.
Everyone seems to be missing the most important function of a wallet!! The ability to open a beer.!! I have been carrying this Dango for a few years and I really like it.

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I`m a caveman - I can open a bottle of wine getting the cork shrink wrap off with my teeth - use a half inch twig hammered with my leather mule to sink the cork - ( I don`t even need my sandals - the heel of my hand or anything hard nearby will do ) no tools needed and I can open a beer bottle on a lampost, in a door, on a brick wall - lots of things.I can open a can of beans by scraping it on a sidewalk or wall...easy.

If I was in the country I just use rocks and sticks.I can make a temporary flint by knapping or using a harder stone on a slightly softer stone - no need for knives.I was improvising in the forest and hunting game when I was seven years old.
My grandad was a forest ranger in the sixties and seventies so I was taught well - mushroom and trufle foraging with pigs, trapping, following trails, making a fire, skinning the kill, making jerky outside and pemmican - fun days.
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I recently transitioned from a traditional wallet to this slim leather money clip wallet. It's a great alternative to the bulky wallet I had while still offering ample storage space. Its thoughtful design simplifies organization. Didn't think I'd like the money clip, but it adds convenience for organizing cash.
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I used to worry about how thick my wallet was. Now I just carry it in my front pocket. It feels more secure there too. It always felt vulnerable in the back pocket.