Will you spoon with me?

Here ya go. Not much to look at, but it’s my favorite. It’s very utilitarian. The reason I like it so much is that the handle’s thick (for a spoon) and it’s rounded. It doesn’t feel like a stamped out POS.

Here ya go. Not much to look at, but it’s my favorite. It’s very utilitarian. The reason I like it so much is that the handle’s thick (for a spoon) and it’s rounded. It doesn’t feel like a stamped out POS.

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yeah, see? That's what I'm talking about. That spoon has all the character of a fine prison shank! Very nice :thumbsup:
I've thought a lot about this...

I do have a favorite spoon, but it's a "house spoon".. and not quite stamped out for outdoor use ;) I prefer the lighter weight and the bigger bowl.

Don't ask me why I have this one rogue spoon in a drawer full of spoons that share continuity, it just appeared one day.


now here is a question, (rhetorical of course); if I had a drawer full of spoons that were all identical to my favourite spoon, would that spoon still be my favourite? Or would I have to wait for another random spoon to show up in my drawer mysteriously?🤔
I don't know if you've ever tried eating cereal with a knife, but if you're thinking about trying that please take my advice and use a spoon instead.

Knives are my favourite utensil, but I have a soft spot in my heart for spoons too. Especially this one. It's my favourite spoon of all time.



If you have a favourite spoon, let's see it
is that sterling?
is that sterling?
not a chance, I think it may be nickel silver. When I use a stainless steel spoon, I usually get that metallic taste which is pretty unappetizing. My spoon tastes like whatever I shovel up with it
I like a nice rounded handle, as opposed to the stamped kind

Until the day it slips from your bowl and cracks you in the toe.

I like these - in the wood bowl with reindeer lichen - titanium - light and good shape with a lanyard option. What's not to like? Oh yeah - my wife doesn't like them. :rolleyes: She says that she can taste the titanium. I say she needs more red chili pepper. :) I can't taste any metal.

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Royals Royce of bush spoons, park swan's work?

Great picture.
Yup - PARK SWAN spoons. Beautiful - distinctive and useful.
this spoon has been with me since Scouts/highschool! It always kind of appears when tool boxes or some other kind of box gets cleaned out, and then it disappears again. So I found a box and put it in there.
that's a hella nice spoon you have there
every now and then I go to the second hand store with my kid, and yesterday I stumbled across this lil Ikea 25 cent beauty. Couldn't pass it up, and no evidence of any heroin or other narcotic. Not saying 'definitely not', but there's pretty good chance that no one has used this spoon for drugs. Only the spoon knows for sure, and it ain't talkin

Mako seems to not hate it either, and I'll take that as a win

New to this subforum, thanks for the spoon discussion. My favorite is this REI titanium spork that I purchased several years ago. I liked it so much that I started using it at home. Lately, I have been experimenting with wooden sporks, because they are half the weight of the titanium. My latest try is more of a shovel that has a flat profile to fit easily in a full pack. It does surprisingly well liquids; with a bowl of cereal, I can get most of the milk out without drinking from the bowl. << That's not true, just tested it again. During my last trip overseas, I kept wishing I had something like this.
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I highly recommend looking into a maker that used to sell on here called Black Swan Handmade. I have a titanium and a copper spoon and they are fantastic. Google him.


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I usually like to spoon after I’ve forked. That being said, this thread has inspired me to start doing both at the same time. Ordered these up in titanium in hopes that they’ll pack easy and the wifey will like the pretty colors.
I usually like to spoon after I’ve forked. That being said, this thread has inspired me to start doing both at the same time. Ordered these up in titanium in hopes that they’ll pack easy and the wifey will like the pretty colors.
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you belong here bro! 😂