Any Wet Shavers, here?

Just switched over to safety razors and I’m sad it took me so long

picked up a Ti Blackbird , Henson and 2 Tatara’s a Masamuna and a Masamuna Nodaichi a few brushes and some bowls

I shave in the shower. Wash my whole head twice with bar soap. Soap up the beard once more with bar soap and shampoo what’s left of my hair. Now one more application of bar soap (Zest or Irish Spring) to the beard and shave with a vibrating Gillette cartridge against the grain. Very fast, very smooth. All by feel, no mirror. No nicks, no cuts, smooth as a baby’s something or other. No mess, no supplies. Wet shave every other day when showering (old enough to get dry skin). Braun 7 Series electric shave on every other day. The electric shaver has an agitated alcohol cleaner bath that gets rid of the “swarf”. I get about 3 weeks, 11 shaves, out of a $4.00 cartridge which is worth it to me for the speed and closeness of the shave. Finish with Creed. Life is good.
I tried the Badger brush, the cut throat razor, the mug soap, the 30,000 grit Shapton, the Linen strop, the leather strop, etc. Pulled every hair out by the roots. Alum galore. Haven’t had a nick in years. Can’t imagine shaving against the grain with a straight razor if I am in a hurry. Your results may vary.
Used to wet shave back in college. Had some inexpensive brush and a French shave soap that was amazing.
Girlfriend at the time told me to never use shaving cream again. She was amazed at the smoothness.

As of yesterday I ordered a full set.
I'm tired of paying Gillette tons of money for like 4 cartridges.
Omega badger plus Brush
Mountain man shave soap (Stirling)
And a Henson Medium DE razor.

I don't currently do a full shave but clean up a "Light Beard" and shave my neck and clean up detail spots on my face. I'm pretty excited to get back into it. I've heard great stuff about stirling shave soap and they have like 100 different scents.
Been using a safety razor for a few years. Pick up recently a Gillette Fatboy 1960 1st quarter and it is really one of the best razors ever.
A few others I use in rotation are the Vikings Blade Emperor Chrome which is outstanding, The Winning Razor is amazing, Edwin Jagger DE86 great razor and a Baby Futur which is $10 on Amazon and really surprising a great shaver.
I prefer wet shaving and over the years bought a few DE razors, some new, some vintage. The new ones are an Edwin Jagger and a terrific SS Feather. The vintage ones are all Gillette, including a Fat Boy, an Aristocrat, a couple Ball End Techs, and 3-4 others whose model names slip me. I think I have five brushes (all quality silver tip badger with one badger/boar mix for harder soaps). I use a variety of razor blades but like Feathers the best. I have a variety of soaps and creams but find, most soaps work better for me than creams. I also have a Norelco rotary shaver which gets a very good shave but it takes longer than a wet shave fresh from the shower. I don't go near straights and don't really consider shaving a hobby or lifestyle like so many new wet shavers seem to.
Used to wet shave back in college. Had some inexpensive brush and a French shave soap that was amazing.
Girlfriend at the time told me to never use shaving cream again. She was amazed at the smoothness.

As of yesterday I ordered a full set.
I'm tired of paying Gillette tons of money for like 4 cartridges.
Omega badger plus Brush
Mountain man shave soap (Stirling)
And a Henson Medium DE razor.

I don't currently do a full shave but clean up a "Light Beard" and shave my neck and clean up detail spots on my face. I'm pretty excited to get back into it. I've heard great stuff about stirling shave soap and they have like 100 different scents.
If you would, post a soap review after a few uses. I am always on the lookout for a new soap.
OverallIf you would, post a soap review after a few uses. I am always on the lookout for a new soap.
I can run one now!

Stirling soap
Glacial Citron

I'm still learning how to really get the soap lathered properly but a few vids on YouTube helped out.

I'm getting orange and grape fruit. Maybe a hint of lime too. And there is a menthol note too. Very fresh smelling.

I took me about 3 or 4 minutes to get a really good lather going. But still getting used to it. Once I started to get it going I would keep adding a few drops of water to the brush and go back in for adding hydration and that sheen. After awhile it was really fluffy and has a nice sheen too it. I didn't need to relather the brush but I easily could have shaved 2x with the amount I had.

This soap has TONS OF MENTHOL. Like sticking your face in a glacier while getting blasted with dry ice and citrus fruits. The shave was excellent. Very very smooth. Zero irritation. Lather was super slick. And did I mention that it's COLD!? Seriously this stuff is cold.

For me this is a huge win. Especially if it's really warm out. Cools your face right off. It feels like it's actually pulling heat our of your face. The scent is nice and fresh and lingers on the face for a few hours.

I would buy this soap again, and would recommend it. Especially if you like menthol in soaps.

I also have the Glacial Spearmint. Which is supposed to smell like a snowman chewing Spearmint gum, punched ypu in the face. (Can confirm, smells awesome), Glacial tundra, mountain man, and one other I can't remember right now.
I can run one now!

Stirling soap
Glacial Citron

I'm still learning how to really get the soap lathered properly but a few vids on YouTube helped out.

I'm getting orange and grape fruit. Maybe a hint of lime too. And there is a menthol note too. Very fresh smelling.

I took me about 3 or 4 minutes to get a really good lather going. But still getting used to it. Once I started to get it going I would keep adding a few drops of water to the brush and go back in for adding hydration and that sheen. After awhile it was really fluffy and has a nice sheen too it. I didn't need to relather the brush but I easily could have shaved 2x with the amount I had.

This soap has TONS OF MENTHOL. Like sticking your face in a glacier while getting blasted with dry ice and citrus fruits. The shave was excellent. Very very smooth. Zero irritation. Lather was super slick. And did I mention that it's COLD!? Seriously this stuff is cold.

For me this is a huge win. Especially if it's really warm out. Cools your face right off. It feels like it's actually pulling heat our of your face. The scent is nice and fresh and lingers on the face for a few hours.

I would buy this soap again, and would recommend it. Especially if you like menthol in soaps.

I also have the Glacial Spearmint. Which is supposed to smell like a snowman chewing Spearmint gum, punched ypu in the face. (Can confirm, smells awesome), Glacial tundra, mountain man, and one other I can't remember right now.
Thanks for the info
I'm 58 years young, and only started the wet shave DE chapter of life 3 years ago. I've had a polished Timeless .95OC, a polished Blackland Blackbird in SB and another one in OC. I sold all of the above after using my Razorock Lupo DC; .72" gap Open Comb on one side, .95" Safety Bar on the other. It is perfection for me. This winter was my first ever without a single day of shaving irritation, and I'm now getting 15+ shaves out of a blade (I've determined my fav's to be Feather, Astra and King C. Gillette - wish the KCG's weren't so expensive as I love those). I use a Razorock Bruce synthetic bristle brush, and a foaming hand soap my wife buys (has CDB oil IIRC).

My Lupo DC






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I'm 58 years young, and only started the wet shave DE chapter of life 3 years ago. I've had a polished Timeless .95OC, a polished Blackland Blackbird in SB and another one in OC. I sold all of the above after using my Razorock Lupo DC; .72" gap Open Comb on one side, .95" Safety Bar on the other. It is perfection for me. This winter was my first ever without a single day of shaving irritation, and I'm now getting 15+ shaves out of a blade (I've determined my fav's to be Feather, Astra and King C. Gillette - wish the KCG's weren't so expensive as I love those). I use a Razorock Bruce synthetic bristle brush, and a foaming hand soap my wife buys (has CDB oil IIRC).

My Lupo DC







I have to use an open comb razor for heavy whiskers or shaving irritates my face. Is the purpose behind the dual edges to use the comb first, followed by the flat side for a closer pass? This is the first time seeing one with dual edges.
I have to use an open comb razor for heavy whiskers or shaving irritates my face. Is the purpose behind the dual edges to use the comb first, followed by the flat side for a closer pass? This is the first time seeing one with dual edges.
Anything more that 36 hours of growth, that is exactly what I do. One pass With The Grain on the OC side, followed by a cleanup pass (where necessary, ie jaw line and down) Cross Grain on the SB side (which has a bigger "more aggressive" gap). Perfection for my face. I feel SO lucky to have discovered this razor.

Razorock recently released a base plate for the (billet) stainless steel Lupo that is OC both sides at the more aggressive .95 gap. I may buy one just to try out - early reviews claim it to be very smooth in spite of it's very aggressive specs (on paper).
Received my new .95 Open Comb Lupo (on titanium Halo handle), and had a hurried/rushed for time shave this am. Apart for one user-error nick on my left jaw back near the ear, the initial shave was stupendous. This thing is a 2-pass-maximum beast. One with-the-grain pass on my face/cheeks left them literally BBS, and a VERY LIGHT across-the-grain pass under the jaw line finished the adventure. I definitely LOVE the light Ti-Halo handle, and the Lupo .95 OC is extremely efficient yet also smooth. It definitely is a light touch razor.



Razorock makes some great razors. I was just gifted a Aluminum Lupo. It is as light as a feather so I put a slightly longer and heavier handle on it. It is an amazing shaver, now I have to resist buying the stainless version to add to my stable of razors.
I just picked up a Henson +++ (aggressive), still the V1 old-style head but with newer V2 wider handle. First shave this morning on 84 hours growth - I really didn't have the proper time to shave much less a first time use on a new razor, but two quick passes (WTG followed by XTG) yielded a near BBS result (I missed a tiny patch below the jaw by my right earlobe on the second pass). Really impressed, and definitely will be exploring this light little razor's capabilities.




Straight razor shaving only for the past 12 years, except DE when traveling, but strangely, I have razorburn problems with a DE - probably just lack of familiarity using it.

I like early 1900s razors better than anything currently made - mid century japanese razors in western patterns are also nice. With a straight razor and good true linen and leather (shell, but not horween shell), there is almost no difference between shave 1 and shave 200. Leather every shave, linen every half dozen. This is sort of a lost art vs. what you find on the shaving forums where people want to hone the edge off of a razor constantly.

Linen and leather makes a fantastic edge that will cut hair as easily as a 2-use feather DE blade, but it won't catch the skin on the back of the pore. The linen and leather burnish off the apex just a little and prevent the edge from taking dents that DE blades get leading to their quick failure - well, along with the fact that the older straight razors are much harder than the stainless wafer in a DE blade.
I just picked up a Henson +++ (aggressive), still the V1 old-style head but with newer V2 wider handle. First shave this morning on 84 hours growth - I really didn't have the proper time to shave much less a first time use on a new razor, but two quick passes (WTG followed by XTG) yielded a near BBS result (I missed a tiny patch below the jaw by my right earlobe on the second pass). Really impressed, and definitely will be exploring this light little razor's capabilities.




Gonna have to say I really love the Medium Henson I have.

Bought a sample pack of blades from Rasor emporium. So far the Astra Blues are excellent. The Treet's ...not so much.
Gonna have to say I really love the Medium Henson I have.

Bought a sample pack of blades from Rasor emporium. So far the Astra Blues are excellent. The Treet's ...not so much.
I tend to like aggressive/efficient razors, and the Henson +++ (aggressive) is just a bit mild for my preference. Gonna' try a Kai in is for a bit more exposure.