Introducing: Squirel and Thirsty!!

Very nice, congrats!! Mer sure is making a name for himself quikly, he is very skilled. Enjoy 'em!
Wow, that's great that he's signing them now - maybe he'll start numbering them soon, too!
Those are nice Blade.., boy I'll bet those handles are grippy! You have a couple of TANKS, and nice job Eric...

Thanks for posting all the pictures...

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Drool.... And more drool.... Need you to do two things Andy. 1) Measure your forearms now, and again in 6 months. 2) Be ready to seel all you Ti handled ones, cause after a bit of time with these, you won't get used to them again. Once you go SS, you never go back :D.

And that wood insert one is really nice. Almost looked like those from the 49's. Can't wait for the pics to come back from Chuck.

But you knew that with your custom (right?)
Those look like very strong, solid balis that can take a beating and keep on flippin'...Congratulations! :)

And that other one...:eek::cool:beautiful...
Originally posted by blade_420
Woah! :eek: That's a very nice looking balisong! (One more, that is. :D)
Is it another Mer'ed PC? Or is it a BM? Anywhich, what model was it originaly?