Discussion On Hostile Environments (pic heavy)

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Gold Member
Dec 22, 2007
This is a discussion thread that I hope to develop over time with the input from others. As I will add more material to it over time there are going to be other groups of photos on following pages, and anyone with input and/or photos on other hostile environments is welcome to post up.

If we compile a list of our personal definitions of hostile environments we can end up with a fairly extensive list. Various factors can come into play to create a less than friendly atmosphere. So many things are in motion at the moment that we could all see some hostile environments before the end.

Fuel prices are still rising and the future forcast isn't exactly a hopeful one....






Global climate changes do occur every so often regardless of global warming. Due to "severe summer climate abnormalities" The year 1816 was known is remembered by a few names; The Year Without a Summer, The Poverty Year, and Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death. These abnormalities destroyed crops in Northern Europe, Northeastern U.S., and Eastern Canada. The result was malnutrition and starvation in some regions. In many places food prices rose sharply some prices increasing by 800%. In Some countries there was rioting and looting. There are other possible problems as well. Most farms in the US now are corporate farms and not all are US corporations. Bio-tech companies are creating modified seeds from which grow plants that do not produce seed.

There is more than one way things can go from this...






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Hunger is a very powerful motivator. Sights like these could take on a whole new meaning.




Being made up of roughly 75% water makes the intake of it a necessity, unfortunately free clean water is becoming rare.




And access is becoming limited...




More people may find themselves living the role of hunter gatherer in local woods and local parks...





...and, under the pressure of rising costs of living, out searching for new homes.




and depending on mass transit to get from point A to Point B.



While we as paople have changed much over the years, the world at large has not.

It still gets cold and wet out there.






There are multiple options on making shelters...




But it is good to remember that smoke can be seen from some distance...



....and alcohol burns a clean flame. There is lots of waste to make use of in an urban environment, may as well put some to use





Thanks guys, I'm glad you enjoy the posts. I am hoping that if it does come down to worst case that previous experiences in urban survival will come in handy.

There is more to this thread, but I am still editing the photos. I thought 60 or so was enough for one night :)
Another great thread Mistwalker!!! Your mini-series threads truly have so much thought and that of a message put into them they really get the gears turning in your head! With the continued rise in commodities and crude things are just going to keep getting tougher and worst. I pray that that day never comes when things fall to "THAT" point, but you just never know. Great work brother and keep em coming!!!
The environment you portray would be extremely hostile,lets hope it gets postponed for a good while longer.
Great post! Unfortunetly, I think that is a pretty acurate look into our not to distant future. I hope people take at least some steps to prepare.

-Medical supplies
very interesting. the thing is, all our actions are directly linked to these events, and that's what people tend to miss. stop driving your 4x4, buy a bicycle, buy locally grown/farmed produce, stop consuming and these events are totally avoidable. and your life will be a lot better for it.
Are you saying we need to all buy tactical motorhomes that run on politicians hot air???

Or just watch less TV?? :)

Your leaving something out Mistwalker, if those pictures come to light, there will be civil unrest on a massive scale almost unimaginable to probably 90% of U.S. Citizens. The massess no longer know how to fin for themselves and you can't support your family of 4 living in a high rise building with no yard for garden, etc. Additionally the vast majority of those with a yard probably could not raise a garden, plus there will be a run on seeds.

You can't start drifting people would have to stay in place so they could at least have shelter and protection from the elements, plus most would still have access albeit limited to city water and sewer services everything else well that is questionable.

So for those without resources or means would be trying to steal and or take resources and means from those that have them. It would be total and utter chaos, martial law would be declared and basically the wheels would come off the train, your talking about a turn out the lights the part is over scenario. The FG would have to violate the constitution and deploy us military troops in country to quell the unrest and start distributing govt rations, you would see aerial support via unmanned predator drones and manned aircraft as well.

The technology of the us military is such that large cities could be controlled with relatively small numbers of troops and unmanned predator drones with a few manned aircraft thrown in for good measure. The large scale unrest would cease fairly quickly after a few predator drone runs, the ignorant masses would not even know what hit them and it was paid for with their own tax dollars. So you need to throw some pictures in of some REAL uncomfortable stuff not just empty grocery shelves and high gas prices.
There are increasing indications that failure is becoming much more dramatic. First of all the decentralized warehousing, air shipping, off shore importing and "just in time" concept of keeping local stocks very thin are subject to massive interruptions. The Iceland volcano was a warning sign for every one.

Secondly the bizarre need of the government to force people AWAY from their homes and communities without any secondary support or interest is very disturbing. Instead of hiring and equipping people to deal with disaster, they force people into hotels, away from critical supplies and support making them internally displaced people.

Thirdly the basic needs of a family or person no longer exist in the same place as they need them. Water, fuel, shelter are in vastly disproportionate amounts in urban areas (high rises with outlying warehouses requiring trucks) and the reverse in rural (box stores vs small corner stores) People rarely have enough water to last for one or two days, food for perhaps a weak an no heating fuel if centralized sources are cut off. Transportation is the first to fail in snowstorms, flooding,fuel shortages, earthquakes etc

Finally the reliance on electronic cash is the most dangerous. This essentially guarantees looting and the use of weapons to take life sustaining goods by force or to protect other people from taking your goods by force (LA riots, Katrina)

None of the above is in the agenda of government agencies..which of course is paralyzed due to its electronic network, self protective, slow moving nature.

So kudos to Mistwalker for making us think about what really matters not if, but when the shit hits the fan.
Another great thread Mistwalker!!! Your mini-series threads truly have so much thought and that of a message put into them they really get the gears turning in your head! With the continued rise in commodities and crude things are just going to keep getting tougher and worst. I pray that that day never comes when things fall to "THAT" point, but you just never know. Great work brother and keep em coming!!!

Thanks man, glad you like the posts. The projected (by some) Hyper-inflation could be pretty rough on all...well...most of us.

The environment you portray would be extremely hostile,lets hope it gets postponed for a good while longer.

I think the chances of it actually being an "over-night" thing are pretty slim. Being as many things have been in motion for years the lead-in seems to be a long one.

Great post! Unfortunetly, I think that is a pretty acurate look into our not to distant future. I hope people take at least some steps to prepare.

-Medical supplies

Not like it hasn't happened before. I think the distance depends on a lot of choices made by a lot of people.

Great post and pics Mistwalker!

Thanks J

Are you saying we need to all buy tactical motorhomes that run on politicians hot air???

Or just watch less TV?? :)

Interesting idea, a resource just as renewable as hydrogen with even less work. But...wouldn't that just lead to more politicians in the end?

Maybe, I thought it pretty much sucked a some years ago when I quit watching it. Has it improved any or are the unreality shows still all the rage?

Your leaving something out Mistwalker, if those pictures come to light, there will be civil unrest on a massive scale almost unimaginable to probably 90% of U.S. Citizens. The massess no longer know how to fin for themselves and you can't support your family of 4 living in a high rise building with no yard for garden, etc. Additionally the vast majority of those with a yard probably could not raise a garden, plus there will be a run on seeds.

You can't start drifting people would have to stay in place so they could at least have shelter and protection from the elements, plus most would still have access albeit limited to city water and sewer services everything else well that is questionable.

So for those without resources or means would be trying to steal and or take resources and means from those that have them. It would be total and utter chaos, martial law would be declared and basically the wheels would come off the train, your talking about a turn out the lights the part is over scenario. The FG would have to violate the constitution and deploy us military troops in country to quell the unrest and start distributing govt rations, you would see aerial support via unmanned predator drones and manned aircraft as well.

The technology of the us military is such that large cities could be controlled with relatively small numbers of troops and unmanned predator drones with a few manned aircraft thrown in for good measure. The large scale unrest would cease fairly quickly after a few predator drone runs, the ignorant masses would not even know what hit them and it was paid for with their own tax dollars. So you need to throw some pictures in of some REAL uncomfortable stuff not just empty grocery shelves and high gas prices.

I think you and I may be looking at it from two different perspectives. But...other than the gas price pictures, all of these pictures have "come to light" when I took them. Though it has been a lot of years since I ate anything out of a dumpster, saw good fortune in watching a fresh road-kill, or gathered in a local park, but all played a part in keeping me alive. I have slept under bridges on more than a couple of occasions. There were 7000 people in this region laid off in one week a few years ago, and several more in the preceding and proceeding weeks. A lot of people who are not drug addicts or mentally challenged are already experiencing a "new way of life". That store was nearly emptied after just a few hours after one snow and it stayed that way for four days afterward. There was only eight inches of snow, but that is a bit unusual for this area.

There are increasing indications that failure is becoming much more dramatic. First of all the decentralized warehousing, air shipping, off shore importing and "just in time" concept of keeping local stocks very thin are subject to massive interruptions. The Iceland volcano was a warning sign for every one.

Secondly the bizarre need of the government to force people AWAY from their homes and communities without any secondary support or interest is very disturbing. Instead of hiring and equipping people to deal with disaster, they force people into hotels, away from critical supplies and support making them internally displaced people.

Thirdly the basic needs of a family or person no longer exist in the same place as they need them. Water, fuel, shelter are in vastly disproportionate amounts in urban areas (high rises with outlying warehouses requiring trucks) and the reverse in rural (box stores vs small corner stores) People rarely have enough water to last for one or two days, food for perhaps a weak an no heating fuel if centralized sources are cut off. Transportation is the first to fail in snowstorms, flooding,fuel shortages, earthquakes etc

Finally the reliance on electronic cash is the most dangerous. This essentially guarantees looting and the use of weapons to take life sustaining goods by force or to protect other people from taking your goods by force (LA riots, Katrina)

None of the above is in the agenda of government agencies..which of course is paralyzed due to its electronic network, self protective, slow moving nature.

So kudos to Mistwalker for making us think about what really matters not if, but when the shit hits the fan.

Thanks RYP. I found the displaced and dependant nature of things during Katrina more than a little disconcerting. And the electronically dependant nature of our resources is a worry for me.

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