Attention Ask Ontario

Mr. MolokaiRider- you are correct, the "hump" is primarily there to create the thumb ramp which is also indicated by the cuts in the back of the blade for grip. Additional benefits of the "hump" include greater clearance for the thumb stud which helps the action of the knife and a wider blade profile which, when combined with a flat grind, improves the blade's cutting geometry.
Mr. MolokaiRider- you are correct, the "hump" is primarily there to create the thumb ramp which is also indicated by the cuts in the back of the blade for grip. Additional benefits of the "hump" include greater clearance for the thumb stud which helps the action of the knife and a wider blade profile which, when combined with a flat grind, improves the blade's cutting geometry.
That makes great sense - the wider (deeper) blade really does cut great, the full-flat works with it like a dream. This sets my mind to ease - thank you. Helps me accept the feature more.
Mr. hermit dave- The word has come back from Ontario and more or less confirms all the comments about the site above. I would consider them as not a "legit seller".
I cannot find that address on Google Maps. But if you search the address on Google, you find a number of different websites listing that address and selling all manner of items. We have it straight from Ontario that they are not legit, but did they manage to get counterfeits made of each of the knives they are advertising?!!! I guess the only way to find out is to order some, and I doubt anyone here wants to pay for that knowledge!

I understand fakes of high-priced items like Rolex, etc., and even some high-priced knives. It seems illogical that people are going to the trouble for affordable, meant to be used knives. I get that the volume is a lot greater, but many Ontario knives are not that much higher priced from places I trust. Maybe I need to ask some questions here about the places I trust, but I will do so in a separate post.
I don't think they are actually counterfeiting Ontario knives I just think they are mis-representing themselves as a legitimate seller.
Dan Maragni, thank you for the reply. I plead ignorance on what is meant by "legitimate seller." Hypothetically, if I buy a knife from them that is not counterfeit, what have I given up as opposed to buying from, say, Midway (who I assume is a seller in good graces with Ontario)?
I have not investigated the company myself so I am speaking "hypothetically". I was told by Ontario that they were not a reliable company for a few obvious red flags on their website and their interaction, or failure of interaction, with Ontario. I would assume that the risk is that they would not fulfill their obligations to their "suppliers" or their customers. Personally I would not take a chance with this company.
Dan Maragrni, thank you for the reply. I agree with you. I prefer to buy from trusted sources.

Moving on to the subject of trusted sources, my main concern is avoiding counterfeit goods. As I mentioned a few posts ago, it is amazing to me how rampant counterfeiting has become. I have even heard of people buying a good fake, then buying the genuine article from a big store such as Cabela's, then returning the fake for a full refund. That is straight up theft in my book! Adding to the problem is the item goes back into stock, only to be purchased by some unsuspecting person who pays good money for an inferior product. I don't know how much Ontario knives are subject to being counterfeited, but I believe I have heard of counterfeit RAT folders. Those knives are not very expensive, yet they are counterfeited?!!!

I have bought most of my Ontario knives from MidwayUSA and Amazon.
I am assuming MidwayUSA gets their stock directly from Ontario.
When I buy from Amazon, I tend to buy from " Services LLC." I am assuming here that I am dealing with the "main company" as opposed to a third party, and that perhaps gets their stock directly from Ontario.

I would welcome you comments on this, as well as the comments of others, assuming it allowed for them to reply on the "ask Ontario" forum.
I also have seen counterfeit Ontario Knives both folder and fixed blade which have been returned to us for a replacement/refund. There is a long historical tradition of counterfeiting in the blade community- Japanese swords were signed by smiths attempting to mislead their customers (personally I would not want to piss off a samurai with a fake) and there is evidence of this in European swords as well. So as toxic as this practice is it doesn't appear it will ever disappear and, unfortunately, is a part of our tradition. It certainly pays to be cautious.
I have a couple questions about the new SPL Pack Knife, If I may.

1. What is the blade thickness.

2. What are the handle dimensions? Is it suitable for large hands, for light duty tasks?

3. Any idea on date for availability?
The SPL Pack Knife handle is 4.1" long and I will inquire about the other dimensions.

I will also ask about the blade thickness and a date for availability.
SPL Pack Knife Specs:

1. Blade Thickness- 0.125"

2. Handle Dimensions- 4.1" long x 0.51" thick x 1.13" wide. My source at Ontario claims he has"girl hands" (which he has been accused of before) so he doesn't feel confident to determine suitability of the handle for large hands. The handle would certainly be at suitable for light duty tasks.

3. The knife should be available late March/early April.