Podcast centered around slip joint making/traditional knife history - The Catch Bit Show

I’ve been listening since the beginning. It’s interesting and entertaining. I also listen to Mark of the Maker. It’s much less “Traditional” based but it’s very well done
and I like it. I enjoy the banter among knife enthusiasts in both podcasts.
Episode 22 dropped today guys! We are excited to announce our special guest waynorth waynorth The one and only Charlie Campagna!!! Tune in to get the scoop. Please give us a rating. Thank you so much for all your support!
Thanks Jason, Mike and Neal for putting up with my detached ramblings!!
More fun than I've had in months of semi-quarantine!! ;)
This podcast show has a great future ahead of it!! There are so many interesting people to invite in!!!
I'm just listening to it Charlie, and it's nice to hear your voice, it's been too long my friend :) :thumbsup:

I'm pleased that Neal is taking notes! :) :thumbsup:
Every episode is great my friend, have fun catching up 😊👍.

I have my daughter staying, so sneaking a listen will be hard inside the next two days - I am chomping at the bit to listen to this one, Charlie I am sure you do more than ramble my friend.
I am confident that Charlie could do several episodes.
Jack Black next I say !
Then…. Imagine the list of collectors we have just inside our walls here in Traditionals!
Every episode is great my friend, have fun catching up 😊👍.

I have my daughter staying, so sneaking a listen will be hard inside the next two days - I am chomping at the bit to listen to this one, Charlie I am sure you do more than ramble my friend.
I am confident that Charlie could do several episodes.
Jack Black next I say !
Then…. Imagine the list of collectors we have just inside our walls here in Traditionals!
I can't even set my VCR my friend! :D ;) :thumbsup:
You can call up the Tool Man for tech support… 😳🤣

Oh mate, I had this big thing with him the other week, where I was trying to explain something relating to the right-click function on his PC, and he just kept saying, "I don't believe in it!" I was about ready to strangle him by the end of it! o_O Then, out of the blue, the other day, he starts telling me about programming his VCR to record the news, (which I've seen no evidence he watches)! :eek: So he's telling me how easy it is, and all he has to do is press the button on the right of the remote. I kept saying, "I didn't think you believed in the right click?!"
"It's not the right click!!"
"It sounds like a right click!"
All sense of irony was lost :rolleyes: 🤣
Awesome seeing this thread ramp up - let’s keep it going !!
By now I would have played the podcast - as soon as it comes out I usually play it - but we did have the day out together - so will listen to it in bed tonight- yay 😀