The Cheapskate Club Membership Thread

Sure is quiet around here. Don't tell me you people have stopped buying knives altogether? Nobody can be that cheap, right?

Here's a cheap OTF I picked up as a fidget toy for my desk. This venerable Lightning Auto was overpriced at $60.00. I'm a bad cheapskate.


And my newest, a Douk Douk which I picked up for about $50.00 shipped. I know they usually sell for cheaper, but I think the upcharge for a 14C28N blade was well worth it. The blue handle is a gimmick though.


This thing has a faint hollow grind and slices like a madman. Handle isn't to bad either, considering how slim it is. No regrets so far.

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Sure is quiet around here. Don't tell me you people have stopped buying knives altogether? Nobody can be that cheap, right?

Here's a cheap OTF I picked up as a fidget toy for my desk. This venerable Lightning Auto was overpriced at $60.00. I'm a bad cheapskate.

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And my newest, a Douk Douk which I picked up for about $50.00 shipped. I know they usually sell for cheaper, but I think the upcharge for a 14C28N blade was well worth it. The blue handle is a gimmick though.

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This thing has a faint hollow grind and slices like a madman. Handle isn't to bad either, considering how slim it is. No regrets so far.

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Oh hell no. I’ve been buying up a storm these last few months. Here’s my latest cheapie. The rest I cannot reveal lest I risk getting booted out if this exclusive club. 🤣

Sure is quiet around here. Don't tell me you people have stopped buying knives altogether? Nobody can be that cheap, right?

Here's a cheap OTF I picked up as a fidget toy for my desk. This venerable Lightning Auto was overpriced at $60.00. I'm a bad cheapskate.

View attachment 2386295

And my newest, a Douk Douk which I picked up for about $50.00 shipped. I know they usually sell for cheaper, but I think the upcharge for a 14C28N blade was well worth it. The blue handle is a gimmick though.

View attachment 2386297

This thing has a faint hollow grind and slices like a madman. Handle isn't to bad either, considering how slim it is. No regrets so far.

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Paywalled out of the image-hosting site I was using, and too cheap to buy a membership, here!

I may have taken this too far....

Being more serious for a moment, I really haven't bought a knife since... maybe March? I don't remember, exactly. I know what I like, and I know what I'm willing to pay, and the intersection between those two circles on the Venn Diagram is very small.
Forgot to add - I’ve got an Atomic mini defender, which I think was around $35. I broke some rules and grabbed a MT UTX-70 some time later; between the two, the MT got sold, while the Atomic lives on for occasional mail opening duty. Point that I’m eventually meandering around to being, those Atomics ain’t all that bad, at least for fidgeters for cheapskates.
Count me in as well.

While I have, at least IMHO, too much money tied up in knives, I continually prefer to use the less expense ones saving the better ones.

I know the price stratum may seem meager to some here but while I have a Cold Steel 4-Max, I actually prefer to use the Scout version of that knife.
I have a bunch of Cold Steel fixed blades and use the SK5 ones - saving the ones in 3V for a hunting trip - someday. I also own some (for me) nice and "showy" fixed blades but always fall back to my assortment of Beckers when heading afield - mainly due to the price, performance value matrix. This type of scenario repeats itself throughout my collection (more accurately assemblage) of knives.

Growing up poor does instill habits, traits and what not that seem hard to shake even when being blessed with better finances later in life.
The Bear & Son “Sideliner” (what a terrible name) was under $30 shipped. Made in the USA.


I don’t own any other flipper knives, so I don’t have anything to compare the action to, but it seems just fine to me. Nothing about it feels cheap, and there are no flaws in it that I can see. If you can excuse the 440-unspecified stainless steel blade, I would say this is an excellent knife.

Having carried a knife loose in my pocket with my keys and change for most of my life, I find clips make knives so much harder to deploy than just fishing it out of your pocket. With this one though, my keys kept getting jammed between the liners, or between the handle and the clip, so I may not carry it much, or may have to resort to using the hated clip when I do.