The Cheapskate Club Membership Thread

At bottom, I am a cheapskate. My motto is “Mora and Opinel. All else is vanity.”. I might have added MAM, SAK, Terava, Rough Ryder and quite a few others. Thrifty Thursday is my favorite thread.
However, in recent years, I have succumbed to temptation on a few occasions: Bussekin, CPK, and a few others, where the value seems to be there notwithstanding the price.
Claiming my membership number 123!
Wow, that's super cool — number 123 — one-two-three!!! I'll sell it later at auction)))
And here is my membership ticket: bought yesterday on Amazon for about 25 American dollars.
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There are different types of cheapskates driven by different approaches, values, habits, circumstances, etc.

1. A Traditionalist: buys less expensive, entry-level models of knives, e.g. Spyderco Persistence/Ambitious/Byrd rather than more expensive Delica/Endura/etc. because a $50 knife would give them as much enjoyment as a $300 one to another knife fan.

2. An Explorer: buys no-name inexpensive knives assuming that they would cut the rope or open the box just as well as a Ka-Bar or a Cold Steel would do.

3. An Admirer: buys knock-offs (e.g. a $20 Spyderco) or imitations of reputable brands. An Admirer values the looks of a well-made knife but does not have the disposable income or desire to invest in a genuine product, so they are okay that you get what you pay for as long as the looks don't disappoint them.

When I'm in my cheapskate mood I may be number 1, 2 or 3, but I am probably more #1, although I have been wearing different masks at different times 😆
Cheapskate Club member #123
Glad to be a member. But I have a question? Is a cheapskate allowed to buy a magnacut knife for $110? All the other magnacut knives I see at $200+. Asking for a friend...

Sure is quiet around here. Don't tell me you people have stopped buying knives altogether? Nobody can be that cheap, right?

Here's a cheap OTF I picked up as a fidget toy for my desk. This venerable Lightning Auto was overpriced at $60.00. I'm a bad cheapskate.

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And my newest, a Douk Douk which I picked up for about $50.00 shipped. I know they usually sell for cheaper, but I think the upcharge for a 14C28N blade was well worth it. The blue handle is a gimmick though.

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This thing has a faint hollow grind and slices like a madman. Handle isn't to bad either, considering how slim it is. No regrets so far.

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If I may ask, where are you finding 14C28N Douk-Douks? I've been looking for years and can only find carbon steel models.
If I may ask, where are you finding 14C28N Douk-Douks? I've been looking for years and can only find carbon steel models.
The dealer is not a BF supporter, so I can't send you a link. But if you Google "Douk Douk 14C28N" you should be able to find the source pretty easily.

Here's my newest cheapskate addition, bought sometime a month ago for about $20:


The serrations aren't super aggressive, probably because of the steep scandi grind. I think I'll thin down the bevels over time.


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I’m probably not going to make the cut. On some things I’m super cheap (clothes - I wear jeans and T shirts and wear until they fall apart; entertainment - I almost never spend beyond ebooks, and vacations - backpacking is cheap). On others I’m more mid range: presents for others; food (though I never throw food away, I buy decent quality); and exercise (I buy decent rucking shoes).

For guns, knives, and pens though, while I look for sales if I can, I also spend a lot more than I really need to. I feel an odd need to go “top of the line” around quality.

Maybe I can be a provisional member?